Climate change is a significant crisis for the United States, posing threats to national security, the economy, and financial stability. The Biden administration’s efforts to transition to renewable energy are crucial in combating this crisis. However, the fossil fuel industry is obstructing these efforts to protect their profits, despite the benefits clean energy policies bring to American consumers, workers, and industry. The administration’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has already created hundreds of thousands of clean energy jobs and is projected to create even more by 2030. Additionally, energy efficiency standards and pausing new LNG export terminals are saving Americans money on utility bills and gas prices.

Big Oil often falsely claims that climate policies are increasing energy costs when they are actually responsible for inflating prices through collusion with organizations like OPEC. These actions have cost American families billions of dollars in extra expenses, while clean energy investments are projected to decrease household energy costs. The fossil fuel industry’s deceptive tactics have hindered the transition to cleaner energy sources, causing the U.S. to fall behind in industries like solar panel and electric vehicle manufacturing that China currently leads. Despite knowing about the dangers of climate change caused by their products, Big Oil has actively concealed this information and obstructed the development of clean energy solutions in favor of maintaining their profits.

The shift from fossil fuels to renewables is inevitable, and the Biden Administration’s focus on clean energy ensures that America can compete and lead in the global clean energy economy. It is essential to continue supporting these efforts and not be swayed by Big Oil’s propaganda aimed at preserving their outdated and harmful business models. By prioritizing clean energy policies, the U.S. can create more jobs, save money for consumers, and mitigate the impacts of climate change, benefiting the economy, public safety, and national security. The fossil fuel industry’s obstructionism is hindering progress and jeopardizing the country’s ability to address the urgent threats of climate change.

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