Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina voiced his concern over the Biden administration’s threat to stall U.S. military aid for Israel, stating that it would only reward the tactics of Hamas in putting civilians at risk. Graham emphasized that Hamas uses its own population as human shields, making it difficult to mitigate civilian deaths in Gaza. He argued that Americans should unequivocally support Israel against what he described as an existential threat, as Hamas, Iran, and Hezbollah are all aligned in their stated goal of destroying the Jewish people. Graham urged the Biden administration to work with Israel to limit civilian casualties while ensuring that weapons continue to flow to the country.

Graham criticized Sen. Bernie Sanders and “the Squad” for their stance on Israel, particularly Sanders’ recent call to cut off all U.S. military aid to the country. Graham accused Sanders of trying to appease the radical left by making a political decision rather than considering the implications for Israel’s security. He urged the Biden administration to engage in discussions with Israel to keep the weapons flowing and work out a plan moving forward. Graham emphasized that Israel is facing significant threats from groups like Iran and must be supported in its efforts to defend itself. He expressed hope that an impasse could be overcome and encouraged against letting figures like Sanders influence decisions regarding military aid to Israel.

Graham also drew a comparison between the actions of the United States in ending World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the actions of the Israel Defense Forces against Hamas. He suggested that Israel should be provided with the necessary tools to end the war it is facing and to work towards minimizing casualties. Graham highlighted the significant threats posed by Iran, which has allegedly been enriched by the Biden administration, and emphasized the importance of supporting Israel as it navigates a complex geopolitical landscape. He urged for a strong stance in favor of Israel’s security and against those who seek to undermine it.

In a separate appearance on the same program, Sen. Bernie Sanders argued against providing further U.S. military aid to Israel, citing a State Department report that suggested potential violations of international law in Israel’s conduct during the conflict with Hamas. Sanders made a strong statement that Israel should not receive another nickel in military aid, reflecting a perspective that questions the appropriateness of continued support for Israel in light of its actions. This viewpoint stands in contrast to the position advocated by Graham and others who emphasize the importance of supporting Israel in the face of threats and challenges.

Graham’s comments during his appearance on “Meet the Press” reflect a staunch defense of Israel’s right to defend itself against threats, even as he acknowledges the complexities and challenges involved in minimizing civilian casualties. He called for a collaborative approach between the U.S. and Israel to address these issues and highlighted the need to stand firm against groups like Hamas and Iran. Graham underscored the shared values and interests between the U.S. and Israel and pressed for a united front in supporting Israel’s security and defense efforts. Despite differing perspectives within the political landscape, the debate over military aid to Israel remains a contentious issue that reflects broader discussions surrounding U.S. foreign policy and international relations.

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