The White House recently announced executive actions in response to the increasing number of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border claiming asylum. President Biden issued a proclamation that would temporarily suspend the entry of non-citizens if the number of average border encounters exceeds 2,500 a day over seven days. This measure aims to make it easier for immigration officers to quickly remove individuals who do not have a legal basis to remain in the U.S. The order includes exceptions for certain categories of individuals such as visa holders, unaccompanied children, and victims of severe trafficking.

Biden’s use of authorities under the Immigration and Nationality Act is a significant departure from the previous administration’s policies. The order also includes a joint rule that restricts asylum eligibility during periods of high border encounters, to be issued by the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security. The administration has emphasized the need for congressional action to address the overall challenges posed by the broken immigration system. While the move has been criticized by some as too little, too late, and as a cynical political maneuver, the administration argues that it is a necessary step to impose consequences on those crossing the border.

Despite facing pressure from both the left and the right on the border crisis, the Biden administration is pushing ahead with these executive actions. The move comes just months before the November election and follows criticism of the administration’s handling of border security. The administration is also grappling with demands from mayors of cities like New York City, Denver, and Chicago for more federal funding and expedited work permits. Additionally, House Democrats have urged Biden to take further action to address security at the southern border and interdict illicit fentanyl.

Critics of the Biden administration have questioned the timing of this border action, with some arguing that it is too late to address the ongoing crisis. Republican lawmakers have accused Biden of being insincere in his efforts to secure the border, pointing to his previous executive orders. A recent Fox News poll found that a majority of voters believe the White House has failed to improve border security. Despite these criticisms, the administration maintains that these executive actions are a step toward strengthening consequences for those crossing the border and that congressional action is necessary for a lasting solution.

The Biden administration’s decision to take executive actions to address the southern border crisis marks a significant shift in policy from the previous administration. The measures aim to reduce the number of illegal immigrants claiming asylum and provide immigration officers with the tools to swiftly remove those without legal basis to remain in the U.S. The move has sparked debates among lawmakers and activists, with some praising the administration’s efforts while others criticize the timing and effectiveness of the actions. Ultimately, the fate of these executive orders and their impact on the broader immigration system will depend on the legal challenges they may face and the ongoing political discourse surrounding border security.

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