The Biden campaign is focusing on winning over seniors, who tend to watch more news and think about elections more than other demographics. Seniors were alive during important historical events like World War II and the Cold War, making Biden’s attempts to portray Trump as a threat to democracy especially effective. While Biden struggles to gain support from younger and non-White voters, he has made gains among older voters, traditionally a Republican stronghold. This group represents a valuable part of the electorate with high turnout rates.

Biden’s campaign recently launched an effort to court seniors, combining traditional organizing tactics with events like bingo nights and pickleball. The campaign has also received endorsements from groups focused on protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions. First Lady Jill Biden pushed back on criticism of her husband’s age, stating that he is a healthy and wise 81-year-old ready to work for the country’s future. The campaign is highlighting Biden’s age as an asset, emphasizing his experience and wisdom.

In Michigan, a crucial swing state, seniors could play a pivotal role in determining the outcome of the presidential election. Biden aims to become the first Democratic presidential candidate in almost 25 years to win voters 65 and older. Baby boomers now make up a majority of the senior vote, and the Biden campaign is actively targeting this demographic in Michigan and across the country. Many seniors, like Linda Van Werden, have become politically engaged after Trump’s victory in 2016, realizing the importance of their involvement in shaping the country’s future.

While the Biden campaign is making a concerted effort to mobilize seniors to volunteer and vote, not all seniors are supportive of the President. Some, like retiree Barbara Howard, feel disillusioned by Biden’s policies and won’t vote in the upcoming election. However, others, like Judy and Nick Herrick, are inspired by Biden’s commitment to protecting democracy and volunteer for his reelection campaign. The Herricks engage with younger voters in Grand Rapids, highlighting the importance of intergenerational dialogue in shaping political views.

The Biden campaign is investing heavily in television ads targeting programs popular among seniors, with a focus on values and character. They aim to appeal to seniors who prioritize morals, ethics, and tradition in their political decisions. The campaign’s emphasis on contrasting Biden’s approach with Trump’s resonates with seniors like Gussie Farris, who values a sense of character and ethics in leadership. Overall, the Biden campaign sees seniors as a critical piece of their coalition, recognizing their potential to sway key battleground states and secure victory in the presidential election.

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