President Joe Biden and his campaign are using former President Donald Trump’s video referencing a “unified Reich” if he is reelected in 2024 to reinforce their central argument that the country cannot afford to give Trump another four years in office. Biden’s decision to run for the White House in 2020 was influenced by Trump’s comments about the Charlottesville rally in 2017, where he said there were “very fine people on both sides.”

The video has since been removed from Trump’s social media account, but the Biden campaign has incorporated Trump’s use of language associated with Nazi Germany into their messaging. Biden has made Trump’s remarks the focus of various campaign events, including closed-door fundraisers, social media posts, and fundraising emails. He has stressed that Trump’s language is not representative of American values and likened it to the language used by Hitler’s Germany.

The term “Reich” in the video is reminiscent of Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, who designated Germany a “Third Reich” from 1933 to 1945. The video presents hypothetical headlines of what happens if Trump wins again, including references to deporting illegal aliens and creating a unified Reich. Trump’s campaign spokesperson has clarified that the video was not created by the campaign and was reposted by a staffer who did not see the word.

Biden has previously compared Trump’s rhetoric to that of Hitler’s Nazi regime and highlighted his divisive language in fundraising emails and campaign events. Despite facing challenges with voter perception of his policy record and approval ratings, Biden’s campaign has increasingly focused on framing Trump as a dangerous threat to the country if he were to be reelected. They have used social media jabs and indirect critiques to draw attention to Trump’s language and behavior.

During his interactions with donors and in social media videos, Biden has emphasized that Trump’s language is beneath the office he once held and is not reflective of American values. He has expressed concern about Trump’s obsession with regaining power after losing in 2020 and described him as “unhinged.” Biden has stressed that he is focused on serving the American people, contrasting himself with Trump’s self-serving motives and divisive rhetoric.

As Biden’s campaign continues to address Trump’s behavior and language, they aim to highlight the stark contrast between the two candidates and present Biden as a leader committed to the well-being of the country. By drawing attention to Trump’s controversial statements and actions, Biden hopes to rally support and convey the importance of preventing Trump from returning to office. Despite facing challenges with his policy record and public perception, Biden’s campaign is leveraging Trump’s behavior as a key point of contrast in the 2024 election.

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