The Biden campaign is making efforts to reach out to anti-Trump Republicans in an attempt to win their support for the upcoming election. They have appointed a Republican engagement director and are conducting focus groups and polling to identify potential voters who may be swayed. Senior campaign officials have been meeting with former Republican leaders like Liz Cheney and Anthony Scaramucci for advice and support, and are planning to have GOP speakers at the Democratic convention in August.

Many Republican leaders are still hesitant to support Biden, despite their disdain for Trump. They feel that Biden needs to earn their votes and are concerned about his positions on certain issues like Israel. Some feel isolated within their own party and are reluctant to publicly support Biden, fearing backlash from their peers. Even those who have turned against Trump, like former House Speaker Paul Ryan, remain on the sidelines.

Some Republicans, like Mark Cuban and Larry Hogan, have openly come out in support of Biden, while others like Senator Todd Young are still undecided. Anti-Trump Republicans hope that a Biden presidency will lead to a reset within the GOP and pave the way for the return of traditional Republican values. They are also critical of Biden on policy areas like Israel and immigration, and question his willingness to compromise with Republicans.

Efforts to secure the support of former Republican presidents, like George W. Bush, have been unsuccessful. Although Bush has shown signs of non-MAGA leanings, he has refrained from endorsing Biden. Other Republican leaders are hopeful for his support as a way to signal to other Republicans that it is acceptable to support Biden. However, conversations with the Bush family remain private, and their endorsements are uncertain.

Overall, the Biden campaign is facing challenges in winning over anti-Trump Republicans, who struggle with the decision to support a Democrat over their own party. Despite some Republicans expressing support for Biden, others remain skeptical or undecided. The campaign is making efforts to engage with these Republicans to secure their endorsements, but the outcome remains uncertain as the election draws nearer.

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