President Joe Biden offered a heartfelt 100th birthday greeting to former President Jimmy Carter, expressing his admiration for the oldest president in American history. He praised Carter as a “moral force for our nation and the world,” highlighting his courage, conviction, compassion, and friendship. Carter has been in hospice care since February 2023, and the Bidens have maintained a close relationship with the Carter family, with Carter’s grandson sharing that Carter was eagerly looking forward to voting for Kamala Harris in the November election.

During his presidency, Carter achieved several significant milestones both domestically and internationally. He oversaw the Camp David Accords, a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, as well as the establishment of key government departments and agencies such as the Department of Energy, Department of Education, and Federal Emergency Management Agency. Carter also championed important policies like regulations on auto emissions and seat belt requirements for vehicles, despite facing opposition at the time. His legacy includes establishing diplomatic relations with China, designating Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a federal holiday, and spearheading conservation efforts in Alaska.

Despite leaving office as a one-term president in 1981 amid criticism for his handling of the Iran hostage crisis, Carter’s post-presidency activities have solidified his legacy of service to others. Through the Carter Center and Habitat for Humanity, he has continued to promote democracy, resolve conflicts, advance public health efforts, and prevent disease on a global scale. Biden commended Carter for his unwavering moral clarity and commitment to these important causes, expressing his deep admiration for the former president.

President Biden’s connection to Carter dates back to his early political career when he was one of the first senators to endorse Carter’s 1976 presidential campaign. Along with Senator Birch Bayh, Biden wrote a joint letter in support of Carter, emphasizing the importance of electing a president who not only aligns with their goals but also has the ability to accomplish them. Their bond has remained strong over the years, with Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden visiting the Carters in Plains, Georgia, to celebrate Biden’s 100th day in office in 2021. The Bidens reminisced about old times with the Carters, highlighting the longstanding friendship between the two families.

As Carter reaches this significant milestone of turning 100, President Biden’s tribute serves as a reminder of the impact Carter has had on American politics and global affairs. Through his dedication to public service, commitment to democracy, and humanitarian efforts, Carter has left an enduring legacy that continues to inspire generations. Biden’s admiration for Carter’s leadership and integrity shines through in his birthday message, honoring the former president’s contributions to the nation and the world. The bond between the two leaders, forged through shared values and a commitment to common goals, serves as a testament to the enduring power of friendship in politics and public service.

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