After World War II, Black people in Houston were able to buy homes in the community of Pleasantville, Texas. However, over the years, pollution from heavy industry and the Interstate 610 loop caused significant environmental issues in the area. In 2021, the Biden administration made promises to address environmental justice in communities like Pleasantville. Environmental justice groups around the country were interviewed to evaluate the administration’s progress.

Many environmental justice advocates feel that the Biden administration has done more than any previous one to address environmental issues in marginalized communities. Federal officials have sought advice from these groups, implemented stricter environmental protections, and allocated tens of billions of dollars in funding. However, some advocates have concerns that the policies are not strong enough to reduce pollution significantly and improve living conditions. There is also worry that these advances could be reversed if a Republican administration takes office in the future.

Pleasantville, near Houston’s petrochemical heartland, received funding from the Biden administration to conduct air testing and gather data on the pollutants in the air. While this will not immediately clean the air, it is seen as a step towards making changes. The administration allocated funds to various regions through the Environmental Protection Agency to support local groups in addressing environmental concerns. In Louisiana, an area impacted by hurricanes and oil and gas facilities, residents are fighting for cleaner environments for their children.

The Biden administration has introduced regulations to improve public health, including tighter air standards and mandates to remove harmful lead pipes. They have established offices of environmental justice and defined disadvantaged communities to receive benefits. Native communities have been included in the policy-making process, with more tribal members working in agencies influencing native communities. However, concerns remain among environmental justice groups about the administration’s enforcement of laws and its support for carbon capture and storage technology.

Despite some progress, environmental justice advocates have voiced dissatisfaction with the Biden administration. The administration is seen as listening to activists but not enforcing laws aggressively enough to protect communities. Some organizations find it challenging to navigate the federal bureaucracy and apply for funding. Concerns have also been raised about carbon capture technology, which is seen as prolonging the lifespan of polluting facilities. The administration has been urged to embed environmental justice principles into the federal government’s foundation.

While progress has been made, time remains an obstacle for the Biden administration’s environmental justice efforts. Some programs are just beginning to distribute funding, and there are concerns about the future of these initiatives. Vice President Kamala Harris has supported President Biden’s environmental justice work, emphasizing equity in climate investments. In communities like Pleasantville, decades of segregation and industrial expansion have led to environmental issues that will take sustained efforts to address. Environmental justice advocates continue to push for meaningful change in vulnerable communities.

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