President Biden addressed the federal response to Hurricane Helene during a press conference, promising to visit the devastated areas soon. Despite being criticized for not being in Washington over the weekend, Biden defended his actions, stating that he had been commanding the response remotely. He assured that his team was in constant contact with local leaders and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell was on the ground in North Carolina. Biden acknowledged the significant loss of life and property caused by the storm and vowed to provide all resources necessary to aid in the recovery efforts.

Biden expressed his commitment to traveling to the impacted areas as soon as possible but acknowledged that it would be disruptive to do so immediately. He directed his team to provide every available resource quickly to assist in rescue, recovery, and rebuilding efforts. The president approved requests for emergency declarations from multiple governors and mobilized various agencies, including the National Guard, the Army Corps of Engineers, and the Department of Defense, to assist in the response. He emphasized the importance of taking the warnings from emergency officials seriously and urged residents to stay safe.

The president recognized the bravery of the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department members who were injured in a car accident while on their way to North Carolina to assist in hurricane relief efforts. Biden offered prayers for their full recovery and expressed gratitude for their willingness to help. He emphasized the devastating impact of disasters on families and communities and pledged to support those affected by Hurricane Helene. Biden highlighted the need for swift and effective response efforts to meet the urgent needs of the impacted areas.

Biden assured that the administration would not leave until the job was done and that he would personally visit the affected regions later in the week. He expressed solidarity with those who had lost loved ones and faced significant challenges due to the storm. The president emphasized the importance of providing support to communities in crisis and working together to overcome the aftermath of natural disasters. Biden’s remarks underscored the administration’s commitment to assisting those in need and ensuring that all necessary resources are mobilized to address the ongoing challenges following Hurricane Helene.

Overall, President Biden’s press conference focused on the federal response to Hurricane Helene and the administration’s commitment to providing support to the impacted areas. Despite criticism over his absence from Washington during the weekend, Biden defended his actions and assured that he had been actively involved in commanding the response efforts remotely. The president emphasized the severity of the situation, with significant loss of life and property reported, and pledged to provide all available resources to assist in rescue, recovery, and rebuilding efforts. The administration’s swift mobilization of agencies and approval of emergency declarations from multiple states highlighted the urgency of the situation and the need for coordinated response efforts. President Biden’s remarks reflected a sense of empathy and determination to support those affected by the storm and work towards a comprehensive recovery effort.

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