President Joe Biden publicly apologized to Ukraine in Paris for the delay in military assistance that allowed Russia to make gains on the battlefield. This delay was due to conservative Republicans in Congress holding up a $61 billion military aid package for Ukraine. Biden assured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that the American people were committed to standing by Ukraine for the long haul, despite the obstacles faced in Congress and American politics.

Zelenskyy appealed for bipartisan U.S. support similar to the allied coalition in WWII, emphasizing the importance of American solidarity with Ukraine. He thanked lawmakers for eventually approving the weapons package, which has helped Ukraine push back Russian advances in recent weeks. The Ukrainian president shared a frank assessment of the situation on the ground with Biden, highlighting the ongoing pressure from Russia on Ukraine, especially in the Donbas region.

The United States announced a $225 million military aid package for Ukraine, including munitions for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), mortar systems, and artillery rounds. This aid aims to support Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s invasion, particularly in the border regions of Kharkiv and Donetsk. Despite tensions in the relationship between Biden and Zelenskyy over the pace of Western weaponry deliveries, the recent aid infusion has helped Ukraine thwart Russian advances and stall their offensive in Kharkiv.

In response to Russia’s ongoing onslaught, some NATO allies, including the U.S., agreed to allow Ukraine to use weapons they deliver for limited attacks inside Russia. This decision angered the Kremlin, warning that Europe’s biggest conflict since WWII could escalate further. Biden reiterated during the D-Day anniversary events in Normandy that the U.S. would not walk away from Ukraine and vowed to continue supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.

Zelenskyy delivered a speech at the French National Assembly, drawing a parallel between the sacrifices made in WWII and Ukraine’s current battle against Russian forces. He emphasized the importance of standing up to tyranny and defending Western democratic freedom. Throughout his visit to Paris, Zelenskyy aimed to secure more military support for Ukraine and lock in long-term alliances with Western countries. France announced plans to provide Mirage combat aircraft to Ukraine and train its soldiers, further strengthening the support for Ukraine in the conflict.

Overall, Biden’s apology to Ukraine, Zelenskyy’s plea for continued support, and the announcement of additional military aid underscore the ongoing challenges faced by Ukraine in its fight against Russian invasion. The U.S. and its allies are committed to standing by Ukraine’s side, despite the hurdles and tensions in the relationship between world leaders. The conflict in Ukraine remains a focal point of global attention, with efforts to secure peace and stability in the region ongoing.

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