President Biden has once again repeated a lie that he was the first person in his family to attend college, despite admitting over three decades ago that it was not true. During a recent visit to a college in Wisconsin, Biden made the false claim while discussing his efforts to help student loan borrowers. This is not the first time Biden has made this claim, as he acknowledged it was untrue in 1987 during his first presidential campaign when he was accused of plagiarism for lifting remarks from a British politician.

Even after admitting that his claim of being the first person in his family to attend college was not true more than 35 years ago, Biden repeated the same falsehood during a CNN town hall while running for president in 2020. His grandfather, Ambrose Joseph Finnegan, was an All-American football player at Santa Clara College in California, according to a 2022 speech by Biden. An obituary for Finnegan confirms that he enrolled in Santa Clara College after graduating from high school and went on to graduate and work in the real estate industry.

Republicans were quick to criticize Biden for his repeated false claims, with Greg Price, the communications director for the State Freedom Caucus Network, calling him out for lying. Tim Murtaugh, a columnist for the Washington Times, also pointed out the inconsistencies in Biden’s claims, noting that he cannot be the first person in his family to attend college if he has a grandfather who played college football. Despite the criticism, a spokesman for the White House stated that Biden is proud to be the first Biden to graduate college.

The controversy surrounding Biden’s false claim about being the first person in his family to attend college stems from his repeated use of the claim throughout his political career. While there is evidence to suggest that Biden’s grandfather did attend college and was an accomplished athlete, it contradicts Biden’s own admission that there were other family members who attended college. The repeated use of this false claim raises questions about Biden’s honesty and transparency, especially considering his previous acknowledgment that the claim was inaccurate.

The repetition of this false claim by President Biden can be seen as a deliberate attempt to present himself in a certain light to the public. By portraying himself as the first person in his family to attend college, Biden may be seeking to emphasize the importance of education and his own achievements. However, the fact that this claim has been proven untrue multiple times raises concerns about his credibility and integrity, particularly as the leader of the country. It remains to be seen how this controversy will impact Biden’s reputation moving forward.

In conclusion, President Biden’s repeated false claim of being the first person in his family to attend college has once again come to light, prompting criticism from Republicans and questions about his honesty. Despite acknowledging the inaccuracy of this claim over three decades ago, Biden has continued to use it in speeches and public appearances. This controversy raises concerns about his credibility and integrity and may impact how he is perceived by the public and his political opponents. It remains to be seen how Biden will address this issue moving forward and whether it will have any lasting impact on his presidency.

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