Protests against Donald Trump have significantly decreased as he launches his third presidential campaign, with only a few detractors showing up at his recent appearances. In a surprising turn of events, President Joe Biden is now facing a sustained protest movement, primarily over his administration’s support for Israel in its conflict with Hamas. Many former anti-Trump protesters have shifted their focus to other issues, such as protesting the violence in Gaza or turning out voters for the upcoming election. Some activists describe feeling “Trump fatigue” after years of outrage, while others believe Biden’s policies are more deserving of protest.

With Trump no longer drawing large crowds of protesters, there are concerns that Biden may also face a similar fate in terms of opposition. Biden’s campaign aims to energize its base by emphasizing the threat Trump poses to democracy. However, some organizers believe that not giving Trump a platform for his comments and ideas is the most effective way to combat him. Many activist groups have shifted their focus to broader demands for racial justice following the killing of George Floyd, and are now prioritizing voter turnout and grassroots organizing.

While Trump has encountered small protests at his events this year, his responses have been notably different from his previous campaigns. Trump used to respond to protesters with mockery and insults, often instructing security to remove them forcefully. In contrast, Biden has tried to defuse confrontations with protesters peacefully, urging crowds to be patient and acknowledging their concerns. Some former anti-Trump organizers are now focusing on local issues and voter turnout, feeling exhausted by the two-party system and the disappointment they have experienced with political leaders.

Despite the decrease in protests against Trump, some organizations are considering organizing demonstrations at the GOP convention this summer in preparation for the 2024 election. There is a continued focus on defeating Trump and his ideology, with plans to mobilize supporters and engage in persuasion efforts. As the political landscape continues to evolve, activists are navigating the challenges of shifting priorities and finding new ways to advocate for change. The recent changes in protest dynamics demonstrate the complex interplay of political activism and the evolving strategies of both supporters and opponents of the two former presidents.

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