Joe Biden is facing significant pushback from progressives with his tough new executive action that bars most asylum applications from migrants crossing the US-Mexico border illegally. This move is seen as a risk, but one that he has no other option but to take due to his perceived weakness on immigration compared to Donald Trump. Biden is trying to appeal to moderate and dissenting Republicans who reject Trump’s extremism, as well as cement disaffected liberal Democrats behind him to secure his position in the November election.

His standing with progressives has weakened over his support for Israel’s assault on Gaza, and the upcoming address by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Congress, originated by Republicans to maximize Biden’s political distress, will further highlight the party schism. Biden’s coalition that helped him win over Trump four years ago has eroded, especially among liberal voters and people of color. Immigration is becoming a key issue for voters, with Biden recording his lowest approval rating on immigration in a recent CNN poll, which could impact his reelection campaign.

The executive action aims to alleviate pressure on the overwhelmed asylum system and differs from Trump’s harsh policies by including exceptions for minors and victims of human trafficking. However, progressives see it as a betrayal of liberal values, with concerns that it will set a new standard for Democratic immigration initiatives moving forward. There is disappointment that the action does not address millions of migrants already in the country, including Dreamers and farmworkers, leaving their status in limbo.

Some Democrats are critical of Biden’s approach, arguing that trying to match the Republican Party’s conservative stance on immigration is not a winning strategy. The progressive left feels that Biden should not be resurrecting policies from the previous administration and should be more proactive in addressing immigration reform. Biden has tried to court progressives by taking actions on issues like student loans, infrastructure, and climate change, but there are concerns about his stance on critical issues like immigration.

Biden’s gamble with progressives carries risks, but he is counting on the fact that they have limited alternatives and may still choose him over a Republican opponent with extreme views on immigration. The reaction from progressives, especially in key swing states like Michigan, could impact the outcome of the election. While he faces criticism from the left, Biden also hopes to appeal to moderate and Black voters, especially women, who may be more aligned with his policies. Ultimately, the election may come down to his ability to navigate these different factions within the Democratic Party and appeal to a broad base of voters.

Biden’s attempt to win over Republican voters, such as those who supported Nikki Haley, indicates his efforts to build a diverse coalition for his reelection campaign. While he faces challenges from progressives, there is an acknowledgment that some steps taken by his administration, such as the immigration actions, are seen as positive by certain conservative groups. The outcome of the election may depend on how successfully Biden can bridge the gap between these different factions and appeal to a broad spectrum of voters.

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