President Joe Biden recently held a call with Chinese President Xi Jinping to address various pressing issues, including China’s trade with Russia during their war with Ukraine, cyberattacks, election interference, illicit narcotics trafficking, and other regional and global concerns. The call was described as a “check-in” to discuss difficult topics and ensure responsible management of competition between the two countries, emphasizing the need for diplomacy to manage tensions and prevent unintended conflicts.

During the call, the topic of China’s trade with Russia was addressed, with the U.S. expressing growing concerns about China’s role in helping to rebuild Russia’s defense industrial base. The Biden administration has been engaged in a whole-of-government effort to protect elections against foreign interference and continues to underscore concerns about cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure. The administration emphasizes the need for verification of China’s efforts on these matters, rather than relying solely on their assurances.

Areas where U.S. and Chinese interests align, such as counternarcotics, safety issues related to artificial intelligence, communication between military leaders, and climate issues, were also discussed during the call. Biden was expected to stress the importance of continued progress and substantive action on counternarcotics to combat the rise of illicit narcotics trafficking. Additionally, the call provided an opportunity for Biden to reaffirm the “One China” policy recognizing Beijing as the only legal government in China and to address Taiwan-related issues, including peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

Concerns about China’s destabilizing actions in the South China Sea, including incidents involving Chinese coast guard ships endangering Philippine maritime operations, were likely raised during the call. Despite the challenges in the U.S.-China relationship, the call aimed to foster dialogue and address areas of mutual interest while managing areas of contention. The call between Biden and Xi follows their previous interactions, including a meeting in Bali in November 2022 and a summit in California in November of the same year.

Overall, the call between President Biden and President Xi addressed a range of complex issues impacting U.S.-China relations, including trade with Russia, cyberattacks, election interference, illicit narcotics trafficking, and regional concerns such as tensions in the South China Sea and Taiwan-related issues. The discussion highlighted the importance of diplomacy in managing competition between the two countries and preventing unintended conflicts, emphasizing the need for verification of Chinese efforts in areas of mutual concern. Despite challenges, the call provided an opportunity to reaffirm important policies and discuss areas where U.S. and Chinese interests align, including counternarcotics, AI safety, military communication, and climate issues.

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