President Biden criticized the Florida Supreme Court’s decision to uphold a restrictive abortion law as “outrageous” and “extreme,” stating that it effectively eliminated access to the procedure in the American South. He expressed concern that these restrictions, along with similar laws enacted by Republicans nationwide, were endangering the health and lives of millions of women. However, he noted that voters would have the opportunity to make their voices heard, as a separate ruling allowed Floridians to vote on expanding abortion access in November.

The Biden campaign and Democratic officials launched an effort to hold former President Trump responsible for the dwindling access to abortion care, blaming him for the effective ban on abortion across the Southeastern United States. Trump has supported a 15-week abortion ban with exceptions, and Democrats fear he may push for a national ban if he is re-elected. The Democrats hope that the Florida court decisions will motivate voters and potentially help flip the state, despite the challenges of winning in Florida.

The decision in Florida has brought attention to the state, which has historically been a destination for people from states with stricter abortion laws seeking the procedure. The conservative-leaning Supreme Court ruling upholding a 15-week abortion ban paves the way for a six-week ban supported by Governor Ron DeSantis to take effect. However, the Court also allowed a referendum on protecting abortion rights until fetal viability to be included on the November ballot.

Democrats view curtailing abortion access as a losing issue for Republicans, as some GOP members in Congress have distanced themselves from restrictive abortion legislation. Instead, they are focusing on other issues like immigration, crime, and the economy. The Biden campaign released an ad accusing Trump of supporting a national abortion ban and highlighting the president’s opposition to restrictions on women’s reproductive rights. The ad is part of a $30 million advertising campaign targeting competitive states and various media platforms.

The Biden campaign’s strategy regarding Florida remains uncertain, but the decision to allow a referendum on protecting abortion rights is expected to mobilize voters in November. Recent polling indicates support for the measure, raising hopes for activists who prioritize reproductive rights. The campaign plans to reach a wide audience through television, social media, and other platforms to increase awareness of the issue and draw voters to support pro-choice candidates in the upcoming election. Overall, Democrats are optimistic about the potential impact of focusing on reproductive rights in the campaign.

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