The video features clips of previous debates between Biden and Trump, highlighting Biden’s performance in those debates. The campaign is calling for two additional debates to give voters a chance to hear directly from the candidates on the important issues facing the country. This move comes after Biden’s campaign announced that he would not participate in the fall debates organized by the Commission on Presidential Debates, citing concerns about the commission’s ability to ensure a fair and safe debate environment.

The decision to bypass the Commission on Presidential Debates is not unprecedented, as both candidates have the option to organize their own debates outside of the commission’s control. Biden’s campaign has opted to take this route to ensure that the debates are conducted in a manner that aligns with their campaign’s goals and values. By challenging Trump to two additional debates hosted by news organizations, Biden’s campaign is seeking to reach a broader audience and engage directly with voters in a more controlled setting.

The move to challenge Trump to additional debates comes as the presidential race heats up, with both campaigns ramping up their efforts to reach voters in the final stretch before the election. Biden’s campaign is looking to capitalize on his strong debate performances in the past, while also highlighting his experience and leadership qualities. By calling for two more debates, Biden’s campaign is hoping to further showcase his ability to lead the country and address the pressing issues facing Americans in the current political climate.

The decision to challenge Trump to additional debates also reflects the Biden campaign’s confidence in their candidate’s ability to perform well in a debate setting. By highlighting Biden’s past debate performances and calling for more opportunities to engage with voters, the campaign is sending a clear message that they believe Biden is the best candidate to lead the country forward. This move is also aimed at drawing a sharp contrast between Biden and Trump, positioning Biden as the more qualified and capable candidate to address the challenges facing the nation.

Overall, Biden’s campaign’s decision to challenge Trump to two additional debates hosted by news organizations is a strategic move designed to reach a wider audience and engage directly with voters in a controlled setting. By bypassing the Commission on Presidential Debates and organizing their own debates, the campaign is seeking to ensure that the debates are conducted in a fair and safe environment that aligns with their campaign’s goals and values. With the presidential race heating up, Biden’s campaign is looking to capitalize on their candidate’s strong debate performances in the past and showcase his leadership qualities to voters in the final stretch before the election.

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