President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign launched a paid media blitz in Arizona following the state’s Supreme Court’s upholding of a near-total abortion ban from 1864. The ad buy focuses on former President Donald Trump’s recent stance on abortion, in which he took credit for overturning Roe v. Wade and advocated for states to have control over abortion policy. The campaign views this issue as one of the most motivating for voters in November, leading to a more aggressive strategy to highlight Trump’s record on abortion. Biden vows to fight for women’s freedom to control their own bodies and plans to reach young, female, and Latino voters through TV and online advertisements.
The campaign aims to reach voters in Arizona, particularly women, with ad placements during popular TV shows like “Abbott Elementary,” “Survivor,” and “The Voice,” as well as sports events and entertainment programming. The team is responding to the recent abortion ban in Arizona, which has caused outrage among women in the state. Campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez criticized Trump for his role in allowing the ban to pass, highlighting the dangers women face due to restricted access to reproductive health care.
A 60-second spot released by the campaign features a testimonial from a Texas woman who nearly died twice from a miscarriage because she was denied care. The ad places the blame on Trump for policies that restrict reproductive rights, emphasizing the impact of these decisions on women’s health and wellbeing. Vice President Kamala Harris is scheduled to hold a political event in Tucson focused on reproductive freedom, where the Biden campaign plans to highlight Trump’s role in the abortion debate. Biden, when asked about the state Supreme Court’s ruling, emphasized the need for progress by electing leaders who prioritize women’s rights.
The campaign’s message revolves around the importance of protecting women’s right to make decisions about their own bodies, without government interference. Biden vows to fight for reproductive rights and freedom for women, positioning himself as a champion for women’s health issues. The campaign sees the issue of abortion as a key factor in the upcoming election and is working to mobilize voters in Arizona and other battleground states. By highlighting Trump’s role in shaping abortion policy, Biden hopes to energize voters and secure support for his re-election bid.
In response to Trump’s recent comments on abortion and his role in appointing Supreme Court justices, the Biden campaign is actively working to counter his narrative and present a contrasting view on reproductive rights. Through a combination of TV and online advertisements, campaign events, and outreach efforts, the team is engaging with key voter demographics in Arizona and other states. By focusing on Trump’s impact on abortion policy, the campaign is seeking to raise awareness about the importance of electing leaders who prioritize women’s rights and access to reproductive health care. Biden’s message to voters is clear: elect him to protect and defend women’s freedom to control their own bodies in the 21st century.

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