President Biden praised Israeli authorities for improving aid delivery to Gaza but emphasized that more needs to be done to protect civilians and ensure adequate supplies for the region. In a call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mr. Biden was straightforward about the need for Israel to take further action. Since then, Israel has increased access for food, medicine, and critical supplies, but further commitments are expected. Mr. Netanyahu has pledged to increase aid trucks entering Gaza and open another border crossing into the territory, but the president is waiting to see if these commitments are met.

While the United Nations reports that the number of aid trucks entering Gaza has not significantly changed since last week, Israel claims that there has been a sharp increase in the number of trucks reaching the region. Mr. Biden has not specified what actions he will take if Israel fails to meet his demands. In a news conference with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan, Mr. Biden did not respond to a question about tying future U.S. arms shipments to Israel’s response. He did, however, stress the importance of Hamas accepting a proposal for a six-week cease-fire in exchange for releasing hostages seized on Oct. 7 and hundreds of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons.

The president emphasized the need for Hamas to act on the proposal offered by the United States to secure the release of hostages, including American citizens. Vice President Kamala Harris met with the families of the hostages to assure them of the administration’s commitment to bringing the hostages home safely and achieving the much-needed cease-fire. Mr. Biden reiterated his determination to secure the freedom of the more than 130 hostages still in captivity and called for urgent action to bring about a six-week cease-fire.

Mr. Biden’s measured assessment of the aid delivery to Gaza reflects his efforts to balance support for Israel with a commitment to humanitarian concerns and the protection of civilians. While acknowledging the progress made by Israel in providing critical supplies to Gaza, he continues to urge further action to meet the needs of the region. The president’s emphasis on the release of hostages and the establishment of a cease-fire underscores the importance of diplomacy in resolving conflicts and securing peace in the region.

As tensions in the region persist, President Biden’s focus on aiding Gaza, securing the release of hostages, and facilitating a cease-fire demonstrates his dedication to addressing the ongoing crisis in a comprehensive and diplomatic manner. By engaging with Israeli authorities and urging further action to protect civilians and provide essential supplies, Mr. Biden seeks to navigate the complex dynamics of the conflict while upholding key humanitarian principles. His commitment to dialogue and diplomatic solutions underscores his administration’s approach to promoting peace and stability in the Middle East.

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