President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are preparing to face off in a CNN debate next month. Both men are confident in their abilities to outperform the other, hoping to sway undecided voters who may be opposed to either candidate. Biden’s campaign is focusing on extensive preparation sessions, while Trump’s camp has not engaged in formal discussions yet. Biden’s strategy includes needling and taunting Trump, hoping to corner him into providing substantive answers that voters will not agree with.

Biden’s aides believe that the debate will showcase the stark contrast between the two candidates, emphasizing Biden’s leadership qualities compared to Trump. Trump’s team, on the other hand, is taking a less structured approach to preparation, aligning with his freewheeling style. They are careful not to set the bar too low for Biden, even as Trump frequently attacks his rival’s fitness for office. Trump’s advisers expect that Biden will be well-prepared following his successful State of the Union address.

Biden’s campaign is using the debate as an organizing directive, focusing on key dates such as the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting and the Roe v. Wade decision. They are releasing new ads and setting the tone for the face-off with Trump. Some Democrats are concerned that Biden may not come off as robust next to Trump, fearing a potential gaffe that could be damaging. Trump’s aides, however, are confident that Biden’s performance will not change key issues dominating the race.

Both Biden and Trump have struggled with debate prep in the past. Biden’s sessions are described as sprawling and exhausting, with a focus on policy and pulling him back to key points. He does not prefer mock debates but faced attacks from his Trump stand-in in 2020 to prepare for harsh criticisms. Trump’s debate prep sessions have historically been challenging to keep focused, with practice sessions often devolving. Trump’s team this time around has changed, with key aides from previous campaigns not involved in his preparation.

Overall, the upcoming debate between Biden and Trump is highly anticipated, with both candidates working on their strategies to come out on top. While Biden’s team is focused on preparation and setting the terms of the debate, Trump’s camp is taking a less structured approach. The debate presents a crucial opportunity for both candidates to appeal to undecided voters and showcase their leadership qualities. Ultimately, the debate outcome could play a significant role in shaping the trajectory of the presidential race.

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