President Joe Biden and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni recently met on the sidelines of the Group of Seven summit in Italy. The summit saw an unexpected friction point emerge among the democracies gathered, as Meloni’s right-wing government worked to water down references to abortion in the final statement issued by all G7 nations. The final statement omitted the word “abortion” but did reference the need to promote “reproductive health and rights.”

Despite their differing views on abortion, the White House readout of the Biden-Meloni meeting emphasized their common efforts to deepen the U.S.-Italy partnership across security, economic, and regional issues. The relationship between the two leaders has evolved since Meloni rose to power in 2022 as the head of Italy’s first far-right-led government since World War II. Meloni has shown strong support for Ukraine and announced Italy’s participation in a U.S.-led investment effort in Africa. The relationship between Biden and Meloni has developed positively, despite initial concerns about hard-right populism.

The abortion issue at the G7 summit highlighted differences in language used in the final statement, with the U.S. delegation satisfied with specific references to supporting universal access to health services for women, as affirmed in the 2023 summit in Japan. Abortion access is a major focus of Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign, as Democratic voters express concerns about worsening medical care for women following the overturning of abortion rights by the U.S. Supreme Court. The fallout from Roe v. Wade has broadened discussions around access to emergency medical care, contraception, and in vitro fertilization.

The differing views on abortion between Biden and Meloni reflect broader debates within their respective countries. While Meloni has prioritized encouraging women to have babies to address Italy’s demographic crisis, abortion has been legal in Italy since 1978. Meloni recently passed legislation allowing anti-abortion groups access to women considering abortions, leading to concerns from the left-wing opposition about chipping away at abortion rights. The G7 communique highlighted these tensions, with Italy’s Democratic Party criticizing the reported text as a “national embarrassment.”

President Biden’s evolving stance on abortion rights, in line with Democratic Party attitudes, contrasts with Pope Francis’s firm opposition to abortion. Despite their differences on this issue, Biden and the Pope have maintained a cordial relationship. During the summit, Biden met with Pope Francis privately, and their interactions have reflected respect for each other’s beliefs. The broader discussions at the G7 summit underscore the complex dynamics surrounding abortion rights, with different political leaders navigating their positions in the global context.

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