President Joe Biden made a renewed pitch to Black voters on Wednesday, criticizing Donald Trump’s “MAGA lies” and emphasizing the importance of the upcoming presidential election. Speaking at a Philadelphia boarding school alongside Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden thanked Black voters for their support in the 2020 election and highlighted the impact of their agenda on improving the lives of Black Americans. He warned about the potential consequences of a second Trump presidency and called on the crowd to support him in a bid for a second term.

At Girard College, a predominantly Black student body, Biden cited racial controversies involving Trump, including his response to the George Floyd protests and his stance on the Central Park Five case. The visit to Philadelphia marked the beginning of a summerlong effort by the Biden campaign to engage with Black students, community groups, and faith centers, recognizing the importance of Black voters in key battleground states. The issue of abortion rights and the judiciary also featured in Biden and Harris’ remarks, with Biden pledging to protect Roe vs. Wade and Harris highlighting Trump’s influence on the Supreme Court.

With Biden’s approval among Black adults dropping from 94% to 55%, there has been discontent in the community over issues such as the economy and Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict. Turning out Black voters could be crucial for Biden’s chances in closely contested states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Trump has been positioning himself as a better option for Black voters, criticizing Biden on issues such as immigration and economic impact on minority populations. The Republican National Committee has also attacked Biden’s policies regarding gas prices and food costs.

The Biden campaign aims to remind Black voters of his administration’s achievements, including record funding for historically Black colleges, student loan forgiveness, and criminal justice reform. Biden highlighted economic gains under his presidency and emphasized the importance of Black business owners and entrepreneurs. The unemployment rate for Black Americans has decreased, and Black household wealth has increased during Biden’s term. He also pointed to historic appointments such as Ketanji Brown Jackson as the first Black female justice on the Supreme Court and Harris as the first Black woman vice president.

Biden’s visit to Philadelphia follows a series of engagements with the Black community, including addressing racial justice issues and making historic appointments to key positions. The Biden campaign is focusing on building support among Black voters and highlighting the impact of their votes on key policy decisions and appointments. As the 2024 election approaches, Biden and Harris are making a concerted effort to engage with Black voters and secure their support for a second term in office. Through a combination of policy initiatives, personal connections, and historic appointments, the Biden administration hopes to maintain and build on its support among Black Americans.

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