The Biden administration has signed an agreement with a major UN agency to distribute aid from a pier being constructed by the US military off the coast of Gaza. The World Food Programme (WFP) will assist in distributing aid from the pier, a crucial development as plans are being finalized for distributing much-needed humanitarian aid within Gaza. The US military is expected to complete the construction of the pier next month, with the WFP handling the distribution of aid.

The US’s involvement in this effort has been multifaceted, with the military constructing the pier in a war zone and diplomats organizing a complex aid distribution operation. The logistics have been challenging due to the absence of US troops on the ground in Gaza, as outlined by President Joe Biden. The aid will originate from Cyprus, loaded onto ships and transported to the US military pier before being trucked over a causeway to the Gaza shoreline. Commercial assistance will be provided by contracted partners.

The US government had to work to persuade potential partners, including the UN, to cooperate in an aid distribution zone secured by the Israel Defense Forces. The concern was raised about partnering with the IDF in Gaza, as well as safety concerns due to IDF airstrikes killing over 200 aid workers. There were worries that the pier operation might reduce pressure on Israel to maintain land corridors into Gaza for aid delivery.

A private company called Fogbow, formed by former US military and intelligence officials, is establishing its own maritime aid operation running parallel to the US military-led effort. Fogbow plans to move aid with trucks owned by a Palestinian-American to a zone in Gaza called the Gaza Industrial Estate. There are concerns about concentrating power in the hands of one entrepreneur, Bashar al Masri, and potential conflicts or complementarity with the existing aid distribution network in Gaza.

The priority remains on road access for delivering humanitarian supplies into Gaza, with the maritime corridor seen as a complementary effort rather than a replacement for land routes. Fogbow is funded through the Maritime Humanitarian Aid Foundation and aims to establish an additional beach landing site to ensure aid can be reached in areas harder to access by land. The US military’s goal is to eventually operate the pier commercially for other countries and organizations to use full time.

Concerns have been raised regarding the control of the pier once the US military departs, as it could potentially become a chokepoint for aid and commercial imports if controlled by the IDF. The hope is that assurances will be obtained from Israel to allow Palestinians to utilize the system even after the US’s departure. Overall, efforts are being made to ensure the effective and safe delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza while navigating complex logistical and political challenges.

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