The Better Business Bureau has issued an alert warning the public about a scam involving random phone calls asking, “Can you hear me?” or similar questions. The scam involves scammers trying to get people to say “yes” in order to use the recording of their voice later for fraudulent activities. While there have been no monetary losses reported after these calls, it is still important to be cautious. The scammers may use the recording of your voice to authorize charges on your phone, a tactic known as cramming scam.

According to the BBB, the scammers may pretend to be government officials or bank representatives to keep you on the line after you respond with a “yes.” They may then contact you again in the future and try to manipulate you when you are less focused. While the “can you hear me?” question itself does not necessarily indicate a scam, it is important to be vigilant and not provide any personal information or engage with the caller beyond that point.

Experts suggest remaining calm and not giving in to fear or anxiety when receiving calls from unknown numbers. If asked the “can you hear me?” question, it is advisable to respond with a non-committal answer or ask the caller why they are asking. This helps to take back control and prevent scammers from manipulating the situation. It is also important to avoid engaging with unknown callers and let calls from unfamiliar numbers go to voicemail if necessary.

If you are concerned about potentially compromising your personal information, you can contact your bank and credit card company to discuss preventive measures. It is also recommended to review your bills and credit card statements for any unauthorized charges and file a consumer complaint with your local attorney general’s office if fraud is suspected. Being proactive and vigilant when it comes to phone scams can help protect your personal information and prevent financial losses.

While the “can you hear me?” scam has been on the rise, there is no need for significant panic as long as you remain cautious and take appropriate steps to safeguard your privacy. It is important to be aware of the tactics scammers use and to avoid providing any personal information over the phone. By staying calm, being proactive, and following the advice of experts, you can protect yourself from falling victim to phone scams and financial fraud.

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