Self-described Democratic Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders defended Vice President Kamala Harris against criticisms that she has shifted too far to the left, referring to her changing policy positions as pragmatic. Sanders emphasized that Harris is adapting in order to win elections and reach a broader audience. He acknowledged that Harris is tackling the issue from a different perspective, recognizing that many Americans feel government does not adequately represent their interests due to the influence of big-money interests.

Addressing the numerous policy changes Harris has made in the past, Sanders mentioned that she had altered her stance on various issues such as plastic straw and fracking bans, Medicare for all, a mandatory gun buyback program, decriminalization of illegal border crossings, and a federal jobs guarantee. Despite being labeled as the most liberal member of the US Senate in 2019 by Govtrack, Harris has demonstrated a willingness to shift to the center on certain matters, such as her recent tax policy proposal regarding capital gains. Sanders acknowledged the differences in policy approach between himself and Harris but expressed confidence in her ability to push for significant progress on issues like affordable housing and workers’ rights.

When Harris unveiled her tax policy on capital gains, she proposed a top rate of 28% for individuals earning over $1 million annually. This rate was significantly below President Biden’s proposed rate of up to 44.6%, which includes a 39.6% top rate along with a 5% investment-income tax. Sanders indicated his support for higher taxes on the wealthy, citing the vast wealth disparity in America. Despite their policy differences, Sanders affirmed his belief that Harris aligns with progressive values, particularly in areas such as affordable housing and workers’ rights.

Sanders emphasized his support for Medicare for all, contrasting it with Harris’ approach to moving toward universal healthcare. He pointed out that America is the only major country without guaranteed healthcare for all citizens, a significant issue that he believes needs to be addressed. Sanders complimented Harris’s efforts on issues like affordable housing and workers’ rights, highlighting her potential to effect change in these areas. While acknowledging their policy differences, Sanders expressed confidence that Harris could make substantial progress in areas aligned with progressive values.

In conclusion, Sanders dismissed criticisms that Harris was abandoning her ideals, reiterating his belief in her pragmatic approach to policy. He credited Harris for her efforts to recalibrate and reach a broader audience, recognizing the need for different strategies to win elections. Despite their differing policy viewpoints, Sanders reiterated his support for Harris as a progressive force and highlighted her potential to make significant strides on important issues. Ultimately, Sanders emphasized the importance of addressing critical issues such as healthcare, affordable housing, and workers’ rights, expressing his optimism for Harris’s ability to drive positive change in these areas.

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