Former Minister President of Rheinland-Pfalz and Thuringia, Bernhard Vogel, has expressed doubts about Friedrich Merz’s suitability as the Union’s candidate for chancellor. The 91-year-old CDU politician believes that there are three other party members who may be more suitable for the role. Vogel, who once governed Rheinland-Pfalz with an absolute majority for the CDU, mentioned the regional leaders of North Rhine-Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein, and Hesse as potential candidates. He highlighted their government experience and electoral victories as factors that make them better suited than Merz.

Vogel’s comments come amidst a debate within the Union about the best candidate for chancellor. He stated in an interview that while he does not rule out Merz as a potential candidate in the future, he believes that other leaders within the party may be better equipped for the role. Merz, who has been the chairman of the CDU Germany and the CDU/CSU parliamentary group since 2021, has Vogel’s support as party leader but may face challenges within the party itself.

As a former long-standing Minister President, Vogel’s opinion carries weight within the party. He governed Rheinland-Pfalz from 1976 to 1988 and Thuringia from 1992 to 2003, leading Thuringia with an absolute majority for the CDU during his tenure. However, the CDU in Thuringia has been in opposition for almost a decade now, signaling a shift in the political landscape since Vogel’s time in office.

Vogel’s endorsement of regional leaders such as Hendrik Wüst, Daniel Günther, and Boris Rhein as potential chancellor candidates reflects his belief in their abilities and experience. He emphasized the importance of candidates having won elections in the past, which he sees as a key factor in determining their readiness for the role of chancellor. This perspective may influence the ongoing discussions within the Union regarding the selection of a candidate for the upcoming elections.

Despite Merz’s position as party chairman and parliamentary group leader, Vogel’s reservations about his candidacy highlight potential challenges within the CDU. While Vogel acknowledges Merz’s achievements in leading the party in parliament, he raises questions about his leadership within the broader party context. The debate over the Union’s chancellor candidate is likely to continue as different factions within the party express varying opinions on the best-suited leader for the upcoming election.

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