The Berlin SPD has elected two new co-chairs, Neukölln District Mayor Martin Hikel and former sports state secretary Nicola Böcker-Giannini, in an effort to revitalize the party, which has been struggling in elections for many years. At a party conference on Saturday, 65.5 percent of delegates voted for Hikel and 67.6 percent for Böcker-Giannini. The duo had won in a second round of a membership survey with over 58 percent, defeating another team composed of former SPD state vice-president Kian Niroomand and former co-chair of the Berlin SPD women, Jana Bertels. While the party conference followed this non-binding vote, the election results for the new co-chairs are considered mixed.

The new co-chairs will replace the previous party leaders, Senator for Economics Franziska Giffey and parliamentary leader Raed Saleh, who have been in office since 2020. The new leaders aim to work towards making the SPD the strongest party in the capital city again by the next election for the Berlin House of Representatives in 2026. In the repeat election in 2023, the Social Democrats achieved their historically worst result of 18.4 percent, trailing far behind the CDU and narrowly ahead of the Greens. Following this, the party entered into a coalition with the CDU after around six and a half years of alliance with the Greens and the Left.

The Berlin SPD has been facing challenges in recent years with declines in voter support, and the new leadership is seen as an opportunity to turn the party’s fortunes around. Hikel and Böcker-Giannini have expressed their commitment to rebuilding the party’s standing and reconnecting with voters to regain their trust. The duo’s victory in the election for the co-chair positions marks a new chapter for the Berlin SPD, signaling a shift in leadership and direction as they look towards the upcoming elections in 2026.

Despite their election as co-chairs, Hikel and Böcker-Giannini will face a challenging task in revitalizing the party and restoring its position in the political landscape of Berlin. The SPD’s performance in recent elections, particularly the 2023 repeat election, has highlighted the need for change and renewal within the party. The new leadership team will need to formulate a strategy to address the concerns of voters and present a compelling vision for the future of the SPD in Berlin, focusing on issues that resonate with the electorate and distinguish the party from its competitors.

The election of Hikel and Böcker-Giannini as the new co-chairs of the Berlin SPD represents a significant development in the party’s leadership and direction. With a mandate to rebuild the party and regain voter support, the duo will need to navigate the challenges of a changing political landscape in Berlin and address the issues that have contributed to the party’s decline in recent years. As they set their sights on the 2026 election, Hikel and Böcker-Giannini will work towards reestablishing the SPD as a strong and influential force in Berlin politics, with a renewed focus on connecting with voters and delivering on their promises to the community.

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