Members of the Heiltsuk Nation have expressed concerns over racism within the RCMP detachment in Bella Bella, leading to mistrust among the community towards law enforcement. The issue arose after social media posts under the name Adrian Rubenstein were discovered, revealing inappropriate and racist remarks made by Const. Adrian Robinson of the Bella Bella RCMP. This discovery caused fear within the community, prompting residents to feel hesitant about contacting the RCMP for assistance. The Heiltsuk Nation found the posts unacceptable and called for a code of conduct investigation to be launched by the RCMP.

The problematic posts made by Const. Adrian Robinson included derogatory comments towards Jehovah’s Witnesses and people of color, as well as a photo of him in a period military costume with a racially insensitive remark about Indigenous people. Despite the posts being made in the past, the Heiltsuk Nation emphasized that the timing does not matter as they were publicly visible on Robinson’s Facebook profile. The community requested transparency around the vetting process for RCMP officers and questioned how such inappropriate content was not flagged during screening. The Heiltsuk Nation has been informed that Robinson is undergoing a transfer, but the process could take up to 90 days. In the meantime, he will be supervised by another officer while continuing to serve the community.

The Heiltsuk Nation’s response to the situation highlights their commitment to standing against racism within their community and holding the RCMP accountable for addressing the issue. The leadership emphasized the importance of collaboration between the community and law enforcement in the hiring process to prevent similar incidents in the future. They believe that the failure of the RCMP to protect the community from past and current trauma, as well as ongoing harm, demonstrates the need for a more thorough vetting process for officers. By taking a stand against racism and demanding accountability, the Heiltsuk Nation aims to ensure that their community is free from discrimination and injustice.

The Heiltsuk Nation’s efforts to address the issue of racism within the RCMP detachment in Bella Bella have sparked a broader conversation about the importance of trust and confidence in law enforcement. The community’s decision to speak out against the inappropriate behavior of Const. Adrian Robinson reflects their commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all residents. By demanding transparency and accountability from the RCMP, the Heiltsuk Nation is advocating for justice and equality within their community. The leadership’s call for collaboration in the hiring process highlights the need for a more rigorous screening process to prevent individuals with racist attitudes from joining the police force.

As the Heiltsuk Nation continues to stand against racism and discrimination in their community, they are setting a precedent for holding law enforcement accountable for their actions. By bringing attention to the issue of racist social media posts made by Const. Adrian Robinson, the Heiltsuk Nation is working to ensure that all residents feel safe and respected. The leadership’s call for a thorough investigation and transparent vetting process demonstrates their commitment to upholding the values of diversity and inclusion within the community. By refusing to accept racism within the RCMP, the Heiltsuk Nation is advocating for a more just and equitable society for all individuals.

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