Vice President Kamala Harris is set to make her first visit to the U.S.-Mexico border since becoming the Democratic nominee, where she will speak on immigration. Republicans have criticized her handling of the border crisis and falsely labeled her as the Biden administration’s “border czar.” In reality, Harris was tasked with a more narrow diplomatic effort to address the root causes of migration from the Northern Triangle countries and enhance their borders, not manage U.S. border security.

Despite being mislabeled as the “border czar,” Harris has focused on addressing the root causes of migration, such as improving the economy in the region through private sector investment. While the impact of her work may not be immediately visible, data from Customs and Border Protection shows a decrease in encounters with migrants from the Northern Triangle countries since Harris took on this role. However, encounters with migrants from other countries have increased.

Harris’s upcoming visit to Douglas, Arizona, will focus on the importance of setting rules at the border to enforce American sovereignty. She will advocate for more resources for border agents, measures to detect fentanyl at ports of entry, and an immigration system that is safe, orderly, and humane. While Harris has not outlined specific policy proposals for immigration reform, she supports passing a bipartisan border bill that failed to pass Congress earlier this year and comprehensive immigration reform.

During the 2020 presidential primary, Harris held views on immigration that were further to the left than her current positions. She has changed her stance on issues like cutting funding for ICE and ending immigration detention, now supporting consequences for unlawful border crossings. Harris has emphasized that her values have not changed, pointing to her record as attorney general in prosecuting transnational criminal organizations at the border and enforcing American laws.

Harris has faced criticism from both the left and the right for her handling of immigration issues, including her controversial statement to migrants not to come to the border. She was also criticized for not visiting the border earlier in her tenure as vice president, but eventually visited border facilities in El Paso, Texas. Despite the scrutiny, Harris has taken steps to address the root causes of migration to stem the flow of migrants to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Overall, Harris’s role in addressing the root causes of migration from the Northern Triangle countries is a long-term effort that may not immediately show results. While Republicans have seized on her role to criticize the Biden administration’s approach to immigration, Harris continues to push for a comprehensive immigration system that is safe, orderly, and humane. Her visit to the border will provide an opportunity for her to further explain her approach to addressing the complex issue of immigration.

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