A circus trainer in Russia had a near-death experience when a performing bear turned on him during a live show in front of hundreds of children and parents. The female brown bear, named Donut, suddenly attacked her trainer, Sergei Prichinich, while riding a hoverboard. Donut pinned Prichinich to the ground and snapped at him for about half a minute before a worker outside the cage prodded the bear and allowed the trainer to get back on his feet. Despite the terrifying incident, the trainer continued the routine with the bear, sealed it with a kiss, and the show went on as usual.

In a video footage released on Telegram, the bear was seen gnawing at a stick that the trainer held up to protect himself. Once the worker prodded the bear, she lost all aggression and walked away from him. The head of the Moretti Circus praised the trainer for not losing his cool and allowing the bear to release her aggression. While the incident ended safely, Russian animal rights campaigner Yuri Koretskikh called for a ban on live animal performances in circuses, citing the potential dangers involved in such shows.

The issue of animal rights in circuses has been a contentious one in Russia, with President Vladimir Putin signing a bill banning all forms of animal cruelty in 2018. However, the law did not cover animal performances, which have continued to be a focus for animal rights activists. In response to this, the Russian governing body proposed a bill in 2023 that would ban the use of circus animals in the country, with the bill moving to the lower chamber in October. The co-authors of the bill emphasized the need to protect the lives and welfare of animals involved in circus performances.

The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office published a report in 2022 that found 116 cases of illegal use and 48 cases of animal cruelty in a review of over 500 animal shelters. Despite the efforts to improve animal welfare in circuses, the Russian circus lobby has actively resisted progress, defending its commercial interests. Animal rights activists have called for a ban on live animal performances, highlighting the potential risks and dangers involved in such shows. With the growing awareness of animal rights issues, the push to ban circus animals in Russia continues to gain momentum.

In conclusion, the incident at the Russian circus where a performing bear attacked its trainer highlights the dangers and risks associated with live animal performances. While the trainer was able to escape unharmed, the incident underscores the need for better protection of animals in circuses. With the proposed bill to ban circus animals in Russia gaining support, it is clear that the issue of animal rights in circuses is a pressing concern. As the country grapples with finding a balance between entertainment and animal welfare, the debate over the use of animals in circuses continues to evolve.

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