Bangladeshi security forces are conducting an operation to recover thousands of guns, including weapons seized during recent unrest that led to the overthrow of Sheikh Hasina. Hasina, who had been in power for 15 years, fled to India by helicopter in the face of escalating protests following weeks of student-led demonstrations. Protesters had stormed and looted police stations, leading to the seizure of weapons.

Following Hasina’s departure, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus has taken over as the head of an interim government. More than 3,700 weapons had been recovered during an amnesty period for surrendering guns, which ended recently. However, over 2,000 weapons, including rifles, remain missing, along with a large quantity of ammunition, tear gas canisters, and stun grenades.

Senior police official Enamul Haque Sagor has warned that any arms not surrendered to police stations within the set deadline will be deemed illegal. The operation to recover missing guns involves the participation of the army, police, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), and Ansar forces. The goal is to track down and confiscate the remaining weapons to prevent them from being used in further violence or unrest.

The unrest in Bangladesh following the protests and subsequent ousting of Sheikh Hasina has raised concerns about the potential for violence and instability. The presence of large numbers of missing weapons, including firearms and explosives, poses a significant threat to public safety. Recovering these weapons is a top priority for authorities to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

The operation to recover the missing guns is a coordinated effort involving various security forces in Bangladesh. The government is committed to restoring order and preventing further violence by confiscating illegal weapons. The recovery of these arms will help ensure the safety and security of the country’s citizens and prevent them from being used in criminal activities or acts of terrorism.

Bangladesh is facing a challenging period of transition following the ousting of Sheikh Hasina, and the recovery of missing weapons is a crucial step in maintaining stability and order. The government, under the leadership of Muhammad Yunus, is working to address the root causes of the recent unrest and restore peace to the country. By recovering illegal arms and preventing their use in violent activities, authorities hope to create a safer environment for all citizens in Bangladesh.

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