Minister Goktas visited Mardin to meet with Governor Tuncay Akkoyun and discuss the ongoing projects in the ancient city that has been home to many civilizations. He expressed his happiness at being in Mardin and mentioned that they were there to discuss their work and visit institutions under the Ministry. He thanked the people of Mardin for their warm hospitality, stating that they have been working tirelessly under the leadership of President Erdogan to strengthen and advance the country in all areas.

Minister Goktas emphasized that they still have much work to do and roads to travel, and they will continue to serve the country’s people with the same dedication and determination as before. He also mentioned their vision to leave a strong Turkey for children in the future by focusing on social welfare and empowering women in social, political, and economic fields. They have been providing various services to women, children, the elderly, and disabled individuals through social service centers in Mardin and other cities.

He highlighted their programs such as the Family Social Support Program, which provides assistance to families in need, and the Family Education Program preparing young adults to start families. In addition, they have been supporting women entrepreneurs through 12 women’s cooperatives in Mardin and providing financial literacy and economic empowerment seminars. Minister Goktas emphasized their commitment to continue supporting disabled, elderly, women, children, martyrs, and veterans in all areas of life.

Minister Goktas shared that they have been providing care services for a total of 115 children in 6 children’s homes and specialized children’s home sites in Mardin. Through the Social Economic Support Program, they have supported 2,560 children within families since 2012. They have allocated 308 million lira for these services and have 11 Social Solidarity and Assistance Foundations in the city, reaching out to 99,000 households with social aid since the beginning of 2024. They have also been implementing special policies and projects for disabled and elderly individuals to ensure their active participation in social life.

In Mardin, they have been offering services to 35 disabled individuals at a care and rehabilitation center, with a focus on providing home care for disabled individuals. Approximately 12,000 residents benefited from home care support in Mardin, for which they allocated 2.7 billion lira in funding. Minister Goktas announced their plans to establish a new children’s home site in Mardin for children under their protection, aiming to create a warm family environment for them to grow up in. He reiterated their commitment to continue supporting all citizens and contributing to the welfare and prosperity of Mardin with the help of local authorities and residents.

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