Chrissy Teigen and her family recently traveled to Thailand to visit her mother, Vilailuck “Pepper” Teigen, who moved back to her childhood hometown in January. The model shared photos on Instagram of her family’s trip, including shots of her kids napping, playing, and smiling. Teigen gave updates on her children, including her 9-month-old son Wren, 13-month-old daughter Esti, 5-year-old son Miles, and 7-year-old daughter Luna. She also mentioned their dog Pearl and her current activities. Teigen expressed how special it was to see her mother with her grandchildren and revealed that their family plans to visit Pepper every spring break.
In an interview back in January, Teigen discussed her mother’s move back to Thailand after living in the U.S. for many years. She explained how Pepper wanted to go live her best life and that it was important for her to find happiness. Teigen shared how her mother loves taking care of her grandchildren and how she lights up when she sees her group of friends in Korat. Teigen encouraged her mom to pursue other things and find love, emphasizing the importance of her mother’s happiness and fulfillment. She admitted to feeling the void of her mom’s absence and missing her presence in their daily lives.
Teigen and her husband, John Legend, are committed to maintaining a strong connection with Pepper despite the distance. They have explained to their children the importance of their time with their grandmother and how special it will be in the future. Teigen highlighted the strong bond between her mother and her friends in Thailand and how seeing Pepper happy and surrounded by loved ones was a priority for her. She expressed the difficulty of adjusting to life without her mother’s constant presence but acknowledged the need for Pepper to explore new opportunities and experiences.
During their trip to Thailand, Teigen shared moments of their family time on social media, capturing the joy and love they experienced together. The model and author emphasized the importance of family bonds and cherishing time spent with loved ones. She reflected on the unique relationship she shares with her mother and the impact her absence has had on their family dynamic. Teigen’s openness about her mother’s move and the emotions surrounding it resonated with many of her followers, who appreciated her honesty and vulnerability in sharing such personal experiences.
Teigen’s trip to Thailand with her family served as a reminder of the value of family connections and the significance of maintaining those relationships despite physical distance. The model’s commitment to supporting her mother’s decision to return to her hometown and pursue her own happiness showcases a deep respect and love for Pepper. Teigen’s candidness about missing her mother and the challenges of adjusting to life without her constant presence added a relatable element to her story, resonating with those who have experienced similar situations. The trip to Thailand allowed the Teigen-Legend family to create new memories and strengthen their bond with Pepper, demonstrating the importance of family unity and support.