Isabel Díaz Ayuso is not one to be left out of the picture. After Javier Milei’s previous visit to Spain in May was capitalized by Vox, Ayuso has moved quickly to award him a medal in order to compete with Santiago Abascal for the favor of the Argentine president (and TV minutes). This gesture of harmony, which goes against the cautious stance of the PP leadership towards the Milei phenomenon, erases another red line of her party with the extreme right. Analyst Adrián Juste notes the coherence of Ayuso’s maneuver with the direction she is trying to establish in the PP, as she seeks to occupy the space where Vox has not gained traction.

Vox hurried to protect what they see as their territory on Thursday, warning that if Milei learns about the “increased public spending” in the Community of Madrid, he will enter Sol “with a chainsaw,” according to Rocío Monasterio. It remains to be seen how Milei will respond, courted by both Abascal and Ayuso. From Argentina, José Natanson dismisses the idea that the president acts based on geopolitical analysis, stating that Milei is impulsive and instinctive. Milei’s lack of political reference points complicates predictions, as he admires Elon Musk rather than traditional political figures. Ultimately, Milei’s relationship with Spain will be defined by his opposition to Pedro Sánchez.

Ayuso and Milei share many similarities, particularly in their belief in free-market fundamentalism and the benefits of low fiscal competition. Both emphasize individualism and meritocracy while disregarding social and family background factors. They also understand politics as a relentless cultural battle, constantly engaging in controversy without adhering to basic political decorum. Their defense of Israel and the intensity of their stance on the conflict in Gaza further aligns them ideologically.

The photo opportunity on Friday solidifies the existing affinities between Ayuso and Milei, with the Juan de Mariana Institute, which awards Milei for his defense of freedom, being linked to figures close to Ayuso’s inner circle. Ayuso has previously signaled her alignment with Milei, particularly in her rejection of the concept of social justice, a stance that Milei has long criticized. This photo with Milei further establishes Ayuso’s distinctiveness within the PP, as she seeks a closer relationship with the “lion president.”

Ayuso’s decision to award Milei a medal and publicly align herself with him marks a significant shift in her party’s stance towards the extreme right. By embracing Milei, Ayuso is signaling a move towards a more right-wing position, diverging from the more centrist approach favored by the PP leadership. The photo with Milei symbolizes Ayuso’s willingness to engage with the far right, a strategy that sets her apart within her party and consolidates her position as a key player within the Spanish political landscape.

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