From in-person workshops to online seminars, networking events have evolved, but remain a crucial way for business leaders to discover opportunities and make connections across industries. Many recognize the importance of networking but struggle with establishing genuine relationships without appearing self-serving. To address this, 20 Forbes Business Council members offer insight on common networking mistakes and provide advice on how to foster lasting connections.

One common mistake highlighted is being self-involved and focusing on self-promotion rather than fostering mutual benefit and reciprocity. By understanding others’ goals and offering genuine help, leaders can build valuable relationships that benefit everyone involved. Another mistake is solely focusing on individuals who can further personal initiatives, rather than serving others first and creating deeper bonds that lead to reciprocal support. Quality connections are emphasized over quantity to ensure relationships are meaningful and lasting.

Neglecting follow-up and keeping exchanges superficial are also common errors among business leaders. By proactively maintaining communication and nurturing relationships over time, leaders can demonstrate interest and solidify connections made during networking events. Prioritizing meaningful engagement over superficial interactions has been proven to be more rewarding, leading to unexpected opportunities and enriching relationships. Additionally, leaders should avoid the mistake of acting like they are closing a deal during networking, as genuine connections are built on mutual understanding and trust.

Other mistakes to avoid include overlooking the audience and failing to engage in meaningful discussions, as well as focusing on selling right away instead of first building a foundation of friendship and connection. Leaders are advised to listen actively, share ideas in the moment, and avoid having a hard-selling mindset, as networking is about building genuine connections and offering support to others. Instead of aiming to collect the most business cards or pushing their own agenda, leaders should focus on understanding the needs and challenges of those they are networking with, asking insightful questions, and actively listening to build mutual benefits and relationships.

Overall, the key to successful networking lies in prioritizing quality over quantity, actively listening, and building meaningful connections that go beyond immediate gain. Networking should be about building relationships, understanding others’ needs, and contributing value to others. By avoiding common networking mistakes and focusing on building genuine connections, business leaders can create a strong network of contacts who are likely to reciprocate support in the future.

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