Peru was rocked by a surprise raid at the home of President Dina Boluarte and the presidential palace as part of an investigation into her alleged unlawful enrichment. The raid occurred during the celebration of the Holy Week holiday and involved the police breaking into the president’s home with a battering ram. Boluarte had failed to show up for a meeting with prosecutors to explain how she obtained expensive watches, including Rolex models, which she had been seen wearing since taking office. The investigation stemmed from reports that she had violated the country’s laws on declaring assets and gifts.

News outlets in Peru reported that Boluarte had worn several Rolex watches, as well as other expensive jewelry, and that large sums of money had been deposited into her personal accounts before she became president. Boluarte has denied any wrongdoing and has refused to publicly explain the origin of the watches, stating only that they were acquired “from long ago.” She has blamed news outlets for creating chaos and uncertainty and called on Peruvians to march in defense of democracy. Some of her surrogates have suggested alternative explanations, such as the watches being fake or received as gifts from an anonymous fan.

The controversy over the Rolex watches has further divided public opinion in Peru, with some supporting Boluarte and criticizing the raids as unconstitutional and disproportionate, while others are calling for her impeachment. The scandal comes at a time when the economy is struggling, and hunger is a growing concern in the country. Political observers believe that the scandal could lead to further political turmoil and instability in Peru, which has seen frequent changes in leadership in recent years, with six presidents serving in the past six years.

Boluarte, a former civil servant turned politician, succeeded President Pedro Castillo after he was impeached in 2022. Her decision to replace Castillo rather than resign, as she had previously promised, led to violent protests against her government, resulting in dozens of civilian deaths. Boluarte is currently under investigation for human rights violations. She has also been accused of plagiarism in a book on human rights law that she co-authored. Before becoming president, Boluarte earned modest salaries working as a bureaucrat, and her rise to power has been met with growing public dissatisfaction and low approval ratings.

Despite facing mounting pressure and calls for impeachment, Boluarte remains defiant and has vowed to leave office with clean hands in 2026. It remains to be seen whether she will be able to weather the storm and retain support from her coalition of right-wing and centrist parties in Congress. The political landscape in Peru is volatile, with high levels of corruption and mistrust in the government. The controversy over the Rolex watches is just the latest in a series of scandals to rock the country’s political establishment, fueling concerns about the future of democracy and governance in Peru.

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