Calgarians are opting for staycations this summer due to the rising cost of travel, choosing to explore local attractions instead. However, the impact of inflation has made staycations not always a cost-effective option. The daily admission prices for attractions such as Heritage Park have increased, making it more challenging for families to afford visits. Despite the higher costs, visitors like Doris Richter believe that the experience is worth the money spent. To make attractions more accessible, Heritage Park has lowered the price of its annual membership to $60 for its 60th anniversary, ensuring that everyone in Alberta can enjoy the park.

Similar to Heritage Park, other attractions in Calgary are also facing the dilemma of balancing affordability with operational costs. Calaway Park, for instance, is struggling to find the right pricing strategy while maintaining its legacy in the community. General manager Bob Williams emphasized the importance of affordability for families, as the majority of visitors come from Calgary and the surrounding area. Discounts are available, but rising costs are making it difficult for Calgarians to visit multiple attractions this summer, forcing them to prioritize where to spend their leisure time.

For some Calgarians, purchasing season passes for attractions like Heritage Park and Calaway Park is a more cost-effective option. By making sure they visit the park the required number of times to make the pass worth it, families can still enjoy the experience without overspending. This strategy allows them to cut back on other expenses like treats or toys while still enjoying the attractions. Despite the financial challenges posed by rising costs, Calgarians like Ashley Peebles and Jenny Smith are finding ways to make the most of their local attractions without breaking the bank.

As the cost of travel rises, many Calgarians are opting for staycations this summer and exploring local attractions instead. However, the impact of inflation has made staycations less affordable, with attractions like Heritage Park and Calaway Park increasing their daily admission prices. While some visitors believe the experience is worth the cost, others are forced to be more selective in their choices due to the rising expenses. To make attractions more accessible, Heritage Park is offering discounted annual memberships for its 60th anniversary, ensuring that everyone in Alberta can enjoy the park without overextending their budget.

Attractions in Calgary, like Heritage Park and Calaway Park, are facing the challenge of balancing affordability with operational costs. With the majority of visitors coming from Calgary and the surrounding area, maintaining a family-friendly pricing strategy is essential. Despite the rising costs, discounts are available to help make visits more affordable for families. To make the most of their leisure time, some Calgarians are opting to purchase season passes for attractions, allowing them to enjoy multiple visits without overspending. By prioritizing their spending and making strategic decisions, families can still have a memorable summer without breaking the bank.

In response to the rising prices of attractions, Calgarians are finding ways to make their visits more cost-effective. By purchasing season passes for attractions like Heritage Park and Calaway Park, families can enjoy the experiences without overspending. While the rising costs may require cutting back on treats or toys, many Calgarians are still prioritizing their visits to local attractions. Despite the financial challenges posed by inflation, visitors like Ashley Peebles and Jenny Smith are determined to make the most of their summer staycations and enjoy the local attractions that Calgary has to offer.

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