Congressman Henry Cuellar of Texas is currently facing federal bribery and conspiracy charges over accusations that he accepted nearly $600,000 in bribes from an Azerbaijan-controlled energy company and a bank in Mexico. During a hearing in a Houston federal courtroom, prosecutors and defense attorneys discussed the possibility of classified documents playing a role in the trial. Prosecutors did not disclose any information related to the classified documents, but they mentioned that Cuellar could have access to such material. The defense team stated that they currently do not have access to any classified material and are unsure if it will be part of the case.

Cuellar, along with his wife Imelda Cuellar, has been charged with accepting money from 2014 to 2021 in exchange for advancing the interests of Azerbaijan and the Mexican bank in the U.S. Both Cuellar and his wife maintain their innocence. Three individuals connected to the case have pleaded guilty, including one of Cuellar’s former aides, a political consultant, and a director of the Azerbaijan energy company. The couple appeared at the hearing via Zoom but did not speak during the proceedings. The defense requested a trial date for the fall of 2025, but the judge ordered that jury selection begin on March 31, 2025, citing the lengthy presentation of evidence by the prosecutors.

The indictments against the Cuellars outline a scheme where payments were made by the Azerbaijan energy company through a Texas-based shell company owned by Imelda Cuellar and their children. The payments were made under the guise of a consulting and advising services contract. Cuellar allegedly agreed to influence legislation favorable to Azerbaijan and deliver a pro-Azerbaijan speech in the U.S. House. In addition to bribery and conspiracy charges, the Cuellars also face allegations of wire fraud conspiracy, acting as agents of foreign principals, and money laundering. If convicted, they could potentially face decades in prison and forfeiture of any property linked to the alleged scheme.

Despite the charges, Cuellar has expressed no intention of resigning from Congress, and few of his colleagues have called for him to step down. He did, however, step down as the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Homeland Security subcommittee. The trial proceedings are expected to be lengthy, with prosecutors estimating that it could take four to five weeks to present their case to a jury. The defense team is awaiting further disclosure of evidence from the prosecution, including any potential classified materials that may play a role in the trial. The judge will ultimately review any classified material that may be introduced as evidence in the case of Congressman Cuellar.

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