Attorney General Merrick Garland delivered a passionate speech denouncing attacks on Justice Department prosecutors and personnel, describing them as dangerous and outrageous. Without explicitly naming former President Donald Trump, Garland alluded to the accusations and threats directed at DOJ employees over the past few years. He expressed gratitude for the dedication of DOJ workers who have faced conspiracy theories, intimidation, and threats of violence. Garland emphasized that every American is equal under the law, declaring that the DOJ follows the facts and applies the law without bias.

Garland reassured his employees that he and other department officials would fiercely protect the DOJ’s independence from political interference. He outlined steps that the department has taken to safeguard its criminal and civil decisions, including reinstating policies on communication with Congress and the White House. The attorney general emphasized that law enforcement would not be used as a political weapon and highlighted the importance of prosecutorial discretion in charging, pleas, and sentencing. Garland promised to defend the Department of Justice and its employees against attacks and criticism.

Former President Trump has consistently criticized the Department of Justice since leaving office, accusing it of targeting him with investigations and indictments to prevent him from seeking another term. Trump has made derogatory remarks about DOJ employees and threatened prosecutors who have brought charges against him. Judges have issued gag orders to prevent Trump from speaking about certain officials involved in his cases. Trump has suggested reinstating the “Schedule F” order to make it easier to fire government workers if he wins another term, with a focus on overhauling federal agencies.

In response to Garland’s remarks, Trump’s campaign did not immediately comment. Trump has threatened to prosecute individuals he believes have cheated him in elections, including lawyers, political operatives, donors, and illegal voters. He has called for long-term prison sentences for those he perceives as corrupt actors. Trump’s criticisms of the Justice Department and its employees have intensified in recent weeks, with threats to use the DOJ to prosecute his perceived enemies. Despite ongoing attacks and threats, Garland reiterated his commitment to defending the Department of Justice and its employees.

Garland’s speech underscored the importance of upholding the rule of law and protecting the integrity of the Justice Department. He praised DOJ workers for their dedication and resilience in the face of attacks and intimidation. The attorney general emphasized that the department follows the facts and applies the law objectively, without favoritism or bias. He reiterated his promise to defend the DOJ and its employees against unfounded attacks and political interference. Garland’s remarks reflected a commitment to maintaining the independence and integrity of the Department of Justice in the face of challenges and pressures.

In conclusion, Garland’s speech highlighted the threats and attacks faced by Justice Department prosecutors and personnel, condemning them as dangerous and outrageous. He reassured his employees that he would defend the department against political interference and protect its independence. Despite ongoing criticisms and threats from former President Trump, Garland emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law and treating all Americans equally. The attorney general reaffirmed his commitment to defending the DOJ and its employees, promising to support them in carrying out their duties with integrity and professionalism.

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