Georg Maier, 57, has been the Minister of the Interior in Thuringia for seven years. He has had to deal with right-wing extremists many times during his time in office. He will be running as the top candidate for the SPD in the state election on September 1, 2024. In an interview with WELT, Maier discussed the recent violent attack on Matthias Ecke, the top candidate for the SPD in the Saxony state election, and the increasing polarization in politics that has led to such incidents. Maier expressed concern about the rising trend of attacks on politicians from the Green Party and the Social Democrats, urging party members to take precautions when carrying out campaign activities.

Maier highlighted the need for increased safety measures in light of recent attacks, recommending that party members work in groups and avoid hanging posters alone, especially at night. He emphasized the changing nature of political campaigning, noting that the current climate has raised concerns about physical attacks on politicians. Maier attributed the escalating violence to the language used in political discourse, particularly by the AfD, which has contributed to a normalization of extremist behavior. He also criticized the CDU for their role in perpetuating a hostile environment towards other political parties.

As both the leader of the SPD in Thuringia and the Minister of the Interior, Maier acknowledges the emotional impact of such violent attacks on party members. He highlighted the historical significance of the SPD’s fight against fascism and expressed determination not to be intimidated by extremist actions. Maier emphasized the importance of solidarity among democratic parties in the face of such threats, emphasizing that attacks on one party ultimately target the entire democratic system. He also mentioned previous incidents targeting SPD politicians, such as the arson attack on Michael Müller’s house in February.

In response to the recent surge in violence against politicians, Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser called for a special conference of interior ministers to discuss additional security measures. Maier acknowledged the importance of such meetings and highlighted the initiatives taken in Thuringia to support at-risk individuals, including a hotline for threatened politicians. He also emphasized the need to protect not only politicians but also members of civil society, journalists, and activists who are targeted by extremists. Maier outlined steps taken in Thuringia to bolster state security measures, including increased police presence and monitoring of potential threats.

Maier stressed the collective responsibility of society to defend democracy, noting that even with security measures in place, incidents like the attack in Dresden can still occur. He called for a united effort to combat extremism and defend democratic values. Despite the challenges posed by violent attacks and threats, Maier remains committed to his political engagement and advocacy for his party’s ideals. He emphasized the importance of standing firm against intimidation and continuing the fight for a democratic and inclusive society.

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