The company stated that they are facing difficulties and attacks in the investment efforts that are close to 1 billion lira in Mardin. It was reported that in the Kışla neighborhood of Nusaybin district in Mardin, the electricity network, which has reached the end of its economic life and poses a danger to life and property safety, has been undergrounded as part of the investment, and it was noted that the work to deliver new lines to homes in some sites in the neighborhood was obstructed.

After the meeting, it was reported that investment works have been completed in 2 sites, while obstacles continue in one site. The statement included the following: “The 2 million lira investment work in the Kışla neighborhood is being obstructed and permission for the connection to be made within the site is not granted. We encounter obstacles in almost all of our investment works. In the Şerif Başak-3 Site, site residents caused a disturbance and obstructed our teams. In fact, they obtained a restraining order from the court to stop our investment. On the same day, another team from our company going to the Yeni Turan neighborhood for investment work was subjected to physical violence by a citizen. In the face of these attacks on our teams, citizens waiting to have electricity are being victimized.”

The statement mentioned that some individuals who are obstructing the company’s employees are also manipulating perception through social media and the press. It was stated that in the site where work is not allowed to be done, monthly consumption was found to be 100,000 kilowatt-hours, and 72.2 percent of it was determined to be used illegally.

The statement further said, “Those who do not want the 72 percent illegal usage to end are trying to obstruct the investment. The cost of this illegal usage to Turkey amounts to 2.2 million lira annually.”

In response to these incidents, the company called for support from the relevant institutions to complete the investment works and ensure that citizens can access electricity safely. The company emphasized the importance of ending illegal electricity usage for the benefit of the country’s economy and urged the responsible parties to take action against those hindering the investment efforts.

The company’s efforts to provide safe and reliable electricity to the residents of Mardin have been met with obstacles and attacks, leading to delays in the completion of the investment works. The company is calling for cooperation and support from the public and relevant authorities to overcome these challenges and ensure that citizens can benefit from the investments made in the region.

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