The trial for the double murder at Bastia-Poretta Airport in Corsica continues without the main accused and their lawyers present. Witnesses are testifying, the judges are presiding, and the prosecutors are asking questions quickly as there is no defense to pose questions. The trial appears to be progressing, but the absence of the defense leaves doubts about the true meaning of the proceedings.

The recent chaotic events surrounding the trial have left everyone involved feeling like losers. The trial, meant to be a crowning achievement for retiring judge Jean-Yves Martorano, has been marred by rigidity beneath the magistrate’s facade of friendliness. Some of the accused refuse to leave their cells to go into the courtroom, questioning whether they made the right decision. Jacques Mariani, one of the most experienced among them, has expressed a desire to have his lawyers back, causing frustration for both the accused and their legal representatives.

The lawyers involved in the trial are also feeling the disappointment of what they perceive as a wasted opportunity for a successful trial. Their anger and indignation at the proceedings being labeled as unworthy of a democratic state have only received tepid support from their colleagues, with the prosecutor general dismissing their actions as an attempt to sabotage the trial. There is an underlying tension between the magistrates and prosecutors on organized crime cases and the criminal defense lawyers, with accusations of exhausting procedural tactics on both sides.

The conflict between the defense attorneys of the accused in the Bastia-Poretta vendetta trial and the court has highlighted the mutual distrust between the two parties. This tension is evident from the beginning of the trial, with the defense attorneys and the judges at odds with each other. The judges appointed to the case have experience in organized crime cases, which may have contributed to the friction between them and the defense attorneys. The overall atmosphere of mistrust and conflict has cast a shadow over the trial proceedings.

The ongoing trial continues with the absence of the main accused and their legal representation, leading to concerns about the fairness and integrity of the proceedings. The rift between the defense attorneys and the court, as well as the underlying tensions between legal professionals and judicial authorities, has created a challenging environment for justice to be served. The outcome of the trial remains uncertain as the parties involved struggle to navigate through the complex legal and interpersonal dynamics at play.

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