The Minister confirmed that the woman who claimed to be a consultant did not have access to confidential documents from the G7 Culture summit and did not receive any reimbursements with public funds. This information was revealed during a 1.5-hour face-to-face meeting between the Minister and the woman in question. The Minister’s statement dispels any suspicions of impropriety regarding the woman’s involvement in the G7 Culture summit.

The meeting between the Minister and the woman in question lasted for 1.5 hours, during which the Minister provided clarification on the woman’s role and access to confidential documents from the G7 Culture summit. The Minister confirmed that the woman did not have access to any confidential information or receive any reimbursements using public funds. This revelation refutes any allegations of impropriety or misuse of public resources by the woman.

The Minister’s confirmation that the woman who claimed to be a consultant did not have access to confidential documents from the G7 Culture summit is significant in clearing any doubts about her involvement. By providing clarification on the woman’s role and access to confidential information, the Minister has addressed any concerns regarding the transparency and integrity of the G7 Culture summit. This clarification reaffirms the Minister’s commitment to upholding ethical standards in government proceedings.

The 1.5-hour face-to-face meeting between the Minister and the woman in question served as a platform for the Minister to address any questions or concerns related to the woman’s role in the G7 Culture summit. By openly discussing the woman’s access to confidential documents and reimbursements with public funds, the Minister has demonstrated transparency and accountability in handling potential controversies. This meeting highlights the Minister’s commitment to ensuring the integrity of government operations.

Overall, the Minister’s confirmation that the woman claiming to be a consultant did not have access to confidential documents from the G7 Culture summit and did not receive any reimbursements with public funds reinforces the credibility and transparency of the government’s actions. This information, revealed during a 1.5-hour face-to-face meeting between the Minister and the woman, dispels any suspicions of impropriety and reinforces the Minister’s commitment to upholding ethical standards. The meeting served as a platform for addressing any concerns related to the woman’s involvement in the G7 Culture summit and showcased the Minister’s dedication to ensuring transparency in government proceedings.

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