At least eleven AfD politicians have been convicted of violent crimes, according to research by the Correctiv network. Five other party members are currently under investigation for violent acts. Correctiv looked into 48 AfD politicians and employees at the local, state, and federal levels who have been involved in violent incidents in recent years. Of these, 28 have at least one court conviction, with 14 still holding political office despite being convicted. Among these are two federal and three state parliament members. Eleven AfD members were found to have committed physical or verbal violence, with three others convicted of weapons possession or abuse of office. Five more AfD politicians are currently under investigation.

The cases range from physical assaults to verbal abuse, incitement of violence, and indirect support of violence through weapons possession or abuse of authority. According to the law, these offenses can result in lesser prison sentences or fines. The research found no similar cases in other major parties like the Left, Greens, CDU/CSU, SPD, or FDP. The AfD national association and the 14 convicted party members did not comment on the findings. Thorsten Frei, parliamentary managing director of the Union faction in the Bundestag, stated that politicians involved in violent acts are unfit for public office and risk damaging public trust in elected representatives and democratic institutions.

Clara Bünger, a Left party member of the Bundestag, emphasized the threat to democracy posed by politicians with violent backgrounds. She suggested considering stricter restrictions on the passive right to vote for individuals convicted of serious crimes. However, this may not guarantee the exclusion of anti-democratic individuals from positions of power, as the passive right to vote only ceases after a conviction for a crime carrying a minimum one-year prison sentence, such as serious bodily harm, sexual abuse, manslaughter, robbery, or perjury. The preservation of democracy is seen as a critical issue that could be jeopardized if individuals with violent histories continue to hold influential positions.

The news of AfD members with criminal records has raised concerns about the party’s credibility and the integrity of Germany’s political system. The fact that some convicted politicians continue to hold office despite their legal troubles has sparked debate about the implications for democratic governance and the importance of maintaining public trust. The potential impact on the public’s perception of elected officials and the functioning of parliamentary democracy is a central issue that needs to be addressed. The role of political parties in ensuring the suitability and integrity of their representatives has come under scrutiny in light of these revelations. The AfD’s response to the allegations and the actions taken to address the issue will be closely monitored by both the public and other political parties.

The findings of the Correctiv research highlight the need for greater transparency and accountability within political parties, particularly in ensuring that individuals with criminal backgrounds or histories of violence are not allowed to hold public office. The implications of these revelations extend beyond the AfD to the broader political landscape in Germany, raising questions about the effectiveness of existing legal measures in preventing individuals with violent tendencies from occupying positions of power. The impact of these cases on public confidence in the political system and the future implications for democratic governance remain important areas of concern that warrant further investigation and action. The response from political leaders and parties to these revelations will be closely scrutinized in the coming weeks as the debate over the role of convicted politicians in public office continues to unfold.

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