Dick Van Dyke, known for his iconic roles in “The Dick Van Dyke Show,” “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,” and “Mary Poppins,” is revealing the secrets to his good health at 98 years old. Despite admitting that he would have taken better care of himself if he knew he would live this long, Van Dyke still maintains an impressive gym routine, working out three days a week with his wife, Arlene Silver. In addition to his gym routine, he has been practicing yoga for decades, finding it both relaxing and strenuous.
Van Dyke has openly discussed his struggles with alcoholism, revealing that he checked into a hospital for three weeks in 1972 to address his addiction. He emphasized that alcoholism is a physical disease and worked to change the stigma around it. The actor admitted that he turned to alcohol as a crutch in social situations and eventually realized he had a problem. After struggling with heavy drinking for years, Van Dyke sought help and has been sober for many years now, stating that he doesn’t miss alcohol and enjoys life without it.
In addition to overcoming alcoholism, Van Dyke also quit smoking, a habit that he found even more challenging to kick. He mentioned that quitting smoking was twice as hard as quitting alcohol and that he still chews nicotine gum after 15 years of being smoke-free. The actor faced health challenges in 2013, experiencing mysterious headaches that forced him to cancel public appearances. While the cause of these headaches initially eluded doctors, Van Dyke suspected that his titanium dental implants were to blame.
Despite the health challenges he has faced, Van Dyke continues to find joy in his work and life. He emphasized the importance of enjoying what you do for a living and not wasting time on things you don’t love. The legendary actor expressed gratitude for being able to make a living doing something he loves and has never wasted a moment doing something he didn’t enjoy. Van Dyke’s career has brought him immense joy, and he continues to look forward to going to work every morning.
As he nears his centenary, Dick Van Dyke’s commitment to his health, sobriety, and well-being serves as an inspiration to many. The actor’s active lifestyle, gym routine, and yoga practice are integral to his longevity and good health. By addressing his alcoholism, quitting smoking, and prioritizing self-care, Van Dyke has been able to maintain a fulfilling and vibrant life. Through it all, his passion for his work and the joy it brings him have been key factors in his overall happiness and well-being.