Astrologer and tarot card reader Shaina Emily has shared her insights on TikTok about birth chart placements that can make someone unlikable upon first meeting. She emphasizes that this initial impression does not mean a person is generally unlikable, but rather that certain placements might create an off-putting vibe when first encountered. To determine if you have any of these “ick” placements, you can calculate your birth chart using your birth date, time, and location.

One of the top offenders for creating an immediate unlikable impression is having a Scorpio rising or a Scorpio placement in the first house. A Scorpio rising person can come off as polarizing, with people either being obsessed with them or feeling a bad vibe and avoiding them. This aversion is often due to unresolved issues with power, as most people do not have a healthy relationship with their sense of power. Notable Scorpio rising individuals, like Taylor Swift, showcase how this placement can make someone loved by some and disliked by others.

Having Lilith in the 1st, 7th, or 10th house can also indicate an intimidating personality that people are prone to dislike. People with this placement might come off as too strong or authoritative, leading individuals to feel turned off by their strong sense of self. Examples like Marilyn Monroe and Madonna represent how Lilith placements in different houses can cause challenges in interpersonal relationships and career advancement, as people might see them as opponents or be intimidated by them.

Aquarius rising or having Aquarius dominance in the birth chart can also make a person unlikable upon first meeting. Individuals with this placement might come off as standoffish or with a sense of superiority, which can create barriers to forming connections with others. Similarly, having the sun in the 12th house can cause people to be cautious or suspicious upon first meeting you, as this placement is associated with undoing, endings, and the unconscious mind.

Another placement that is seen as unlikable upon first encounter is Capricorn rising. Those with a Capricorn ascendant may come off as cold, unapproachable, and lacking in warmth or friendliness. This steeliness can make engagement challenging, as individuals with this placement might be hard to crack and not show much enthusiasm or energy. Notable figures with Capricorn rising include Kylie Jenner, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Queen Elizabeth II.

Lastly, people with highly aspected, dominant Jupiter placements can also be off-putting to others. While Jupiter is associated with abundance, individuals with a dominant Jupiter might come off as too much, boisterous, attention-grabbing, and egotistical. This can create an impression of being loud and obnoxious, even if their exuberance is simply a reflection of their Jupiter influence. Celebrities like Yves Saint Laurent, Jimmy Fallon, and Sean Penn, who have dominant Jupiter placements, may exemplify these traits.

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