The crisis in the Red Sea is causing significant geopolitical instability, exacerbating existing tensions in various war fronts. However, this should not hinder progress towards a sustainable, inclusive, and innovative maritime economy in line with the digital and ecological transition. Giovanni Acampora, president of Assonautica Italiana, praised the Italian government for prioritizing strategic sectors like the Blue Economy, particularly through the development of the first Triennial Plan for the sea. He emphasized the importance of investing in digital infrastructure to modernize public administration and streamline processes, a crucial step for staying competitive in the international arena.

Acampora highlighted the need for further contributions to the government’s efforts on the “Connected on the Sea and Blue Economy” plan, advocating for a National Single Administrative Desk for the Blue Economy. He emphasized the need for a unified approach to securing strategic sectors and positioning Italy as a leader in Europe and the Mediterranean. The focus is on international competition, with strategies needed to enhance the country’s competitiveness against major global players like the USA and China. As Italy holds the G7 presidency this year, Acampora hopes the government will prioritize discussions on the strategic role the country can play as an energy and commercial hub in the Mediterranean.

Collaboration among all stakeholders in the maritime sector is crucial for advancing the Blue Economy and ensuring Italy’s leadership position. Acampora highlighted the strength of a participatory public-private relationship in this context. The push for a more digitalized and simplified administrative process is key to navigating the transformative changes in the maritime industry and maintaining competitiveness. As the world navigates through this pivotal moment, unity and strategic vision are essential for safeguarding Italy’s strategic sectors and advancing its position in Europe and the Mediterranean.

The emphasis on collaboration and digital innovation underscores the transformative nature of the maritime sector and its role in shaping Italy’s economic future. Acampora stressed the need for all stakeholders to work together to capitalize on the vast opportunities presented by the Blue Economy and to position Italy as a key player in the global market. With the government’s support and a unified approach, Italy can leverage its maritime resources to strengthen its competitiveness, boost economic growth, and solidify its role as a leader in Europe and the Mediterranean region. As the maritime industry undergoes significant changes, embracing digital transformation and fostering collaboration will be key to achieving sustainable and inclusive growth in the Blue Economy.

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