As the 2022 gubernatorial election in Virginia approaches, CBS News has embarked on their “Three Meals” series to gain insight into what voters in the state really care about. Despite Virginia’s recent Democratic lean in presidential elections, Republican Glenn Youngkin’s win in the gubernatorial race has given hope to the GOP for a potential Trump victory. The series involves speaking with Virginia voters over three meals in order to cut through the noise and get a better understanding of the issues that are most important to them as they head to the polls.

One of the key takeaways from the “Three Meals” series is that voters in Virginia are deeply concerned about issues such as education, the economy, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Many voters expressed frustration with the impact of the pandemic on their lives and the economy, as well as the challenges faced by students and teachers in navigating remote learning. Others voiced concerns about rising crime rates and the need for law and order to be restored in their communities. These issues are likely to play a significant role in shaping voters’ decisions on Election Day.

Education emerged as a particularly important issue for many voters in Virginia, with concerns ranging from the quality of public schools to the controversy surrounding critical race theory. Some voters expressed frustration with the state of public education in the state and called for improvements to be made to ensure that all students have access to a quality education. Others voiced support for efforts to address systemic inequalities in schools and ensure that all students receive a fair and equitable education. These differing perspectives on education highlight the complex and nuanced nature of the issues facing voters in Virginia.

The economy was another key issue for voters in Virginia, with many expressing concerns about the impact of the pandemic on businesses and jobs. Some voters highlighted the need for policies that support small businesses and stimulate economic growth, while others emphasized the importance of addressing income inequality and ensuring that all Virginians have access to economic opportunities. These differing views on the economy reflect the diversity of perspectives within the state and the challenges that policymakers will face in addressing the needs of all residents.

In addition to education and the economy, the COVID-19 pandemic was a major concern for voters in Virginia. Many expressed frustration with the constantly changing policies and guidelines surrounding the pandemic, as well as the toll it has taken on their lives and communities. Some voters called for greater transparency and accountability from government officials in managing the pandemic, while others emphasized the need for continued efforts to control the spread of the virus and protect public health. These differing viewpoints on the pandemic reflect the ongoing challenges faced by policymakers in responding to the crisis and addressing the concerns of residents.

Overall, the “Three Meals” series provides valuable insight into the issues that are top of mind for voters in Virginia as they prepare to cast their ballots in the upcoming election. From education and the economy to the COVID-19 pandemic, voters are grappling with a range of complex challenges that will likely shape their decisions at the polls. By engaging with voters over three meals, CBS News is able to cut through the noise and gain a deeper understanding of the concerns and priorities of Virginians as they head to the polls. As Election Day approaches, it is clear that these issues will play a significant role in shaping the future of the state and the direction of its leadership.

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