When it comes to what foods and beverages to avoid when flying, a Delta pilot named First Officer Paul Janowicz has some words of warning. According to Janowicz, alcohol can dehydrate you and make you feel groggy and tired after a flight. He also mentioned that due to pressure changes in the cabin, a person will get intoxicated faster while drinking in-flight compared to on the ground. This advice is crucial for those looking to keep things comfortable during their journey.

In addition to alcohol, coffee is another item that Janowicz recommends avoiding while flying. The caffeine in coffee can contribute to dehydration in an already dehydrating cabin environment. Flight crews have also been vocal about the potential risks associated with the water used for making coffee and tea on planes, urging passengers to be cautious. Carbonated beverages are also best to pass on, especially while the plane is climbing or descending, due to potential gas and bloating issues.

Spicy food is another category to be wary of when flying, both for what is consumed before boarding and potentially on the plane. First Officer Janowicz advised against bringing snacks with spice involved, as it may lead to stomach discomfort during the flight. Fried food with higher sodium content can also lead to gas, bloating, and dehydration, creating an uncomfortable experience while flying. All of these recommendations may help passengers have a smoother and more comfortable journey at 30,000 feet.

While Janowicz provided his insight on what foods and beverages to avoid while flying, a recent survey found that 92% of flyers expressed frustration with certain foods being brought onto planes. An incident involving a passenger eating a rack of ribs on a flight nearly led to a revolt among passengers. Other foods like boiled eggs and tinned fish are also notorious for causing stomach issues and annoying fellow passengers. Additionally, there have been cases where fish stored in a carry-on led to maggots falling onto nearby passengers, further highlighting the importance of being mindful of what you bring on a flight.

As the airline industry considers measures to maintain peace and comfort in the skies, the idea of capping alcohol purchases in airports has been floated by some industry leaders. Unruly behavior has made the skies less friendly in recent years, prompting discussions around how to prevent such incidents. Passengers are urged to be cautious about what they consume during flights, as certain foods and beverages can exacerbate dehydration and discomfort while flying. By heeding advice from pilots like Janowicz and being mindful of what they bring on board, travelers can have a more pleasant and comfortable flight experience.

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