Dr. Sasha Haddad, a family practitioner based in Los Angeles, has shared her list of essential medical travel supplies on TikTok, emphasizing the importance of being prepared while traveling. She believes that it’s better to have medical supplies and not need them than to need them and not have them, especially during the peak travel season. Haddad has identified five key items for her flying pharmacy, including medications to ease an upset stomach, an allergy drug, a first-aid kit, Advil, and bug spray.

For travelers prone to stomach issues, particularly adventurous eaters, Haddad recommends carrying Pepto-Bismol in their carry-ons. This over-the-counter medication can help with nausea and diarrhea caused by food poisoning or the stomach flu. It works by killing harmful bacteria, reducing inflammation in the intestines, and slowing down the flow of fluids and electrolytes into the bowels. Additionally, Haddad suggests Zofran, a prescription medication, as a treatment for nausea and vomiting.

Allergy sufferers are advised to pack over-the-counter allergy medication, especially when traveling to new environments. Haddad warns travelers that seasonal allergies can be exacerbated in places like Italy, where the lush greenery can trigger sinus issues. Symptoms of seasonal allergies can range from mild irritations like sneezing and a stuffy nose to more severe symptoms such as itchy, watery eyes, congestion, fatigue, coughing, and post-nasal drip. Experts recommend taking allergy medication early to prevent symptoms before they start.

A first-aid kit is a non-negotiable item for Haddad, who believes it is essential to be prepared for emergencies while traveling. She emphasizes the importance of having a first-aid kit on hand, especially when accidents or injuries occur unexpectedly. The Post recommends eight different types of first-aid kits that can be suitable for home, car, or suitcase use. Haddad shares a personal anecdote of scraping her leg while trying to jump into the water in Greece, highlighting the need for a first-aid kit in such situations.

Advil is another essential item on Haddad’s list of medical travel supplies, useful for treating various conditions such as hangovers, fever, muscle pain, or menstrual cramps. She humorously points out that if an Aperol spritz doesn’t give you a headache, something else might, making Advil a handy medication to have while traveling. Advil can provide relief for common travel-related ailments and discomforts, ensuring a more comfortable trip for travelers.

To protect against insect bites and potential diseases like Zika or malaria, Haddad includes bug spray, specifically OFF!, in her list of essential medical travel supplies. Bug bites can be a nuisance during vacations, so it’s crucial to take precautions against mosquitoes and other insects. The CDC recommends using mosquito repellents with active ingredients like DEET, IR3535, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Additionally, treating clothes and outdoor gear with permethrin can help protect against ticks and mosquitoes, offering travelers added peace of mind during their trips.

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