In the world of alcohol, there are many options to choose from, but California gastroenterologist Dr. Saurabh Sethi has made a surprising choice for the healthiest option – tequila. He explains that while no amount of alcohol is truly beneficial for health, tequila stands out due to being made from the agave plant, which is low in sugar and carbs. This makes tequila a gluten-free option that may have some advantages over other alcoholic beverages.
Researchers in Mexico have found that the agave in tequila is non-digestible and does not raise blood sugar levels as much as other types of alcohol. Additionally, the blue agave used in tequila has been found to create a protective barrier around medication used to treat intestinal ailments, preventing it from diluting in the stomach. Compounds found in agave such as fructans and fructooligosaccharides may also promote healthy gut microbiota and improve digestion, potentially alleviating gastrointestinal issues.
One of the main reasons that alcohol is harmful to the body is due to the production of acetaldehyde, a toxin and known carcinogen that damages DNA and inhibits the body’s ability to repair itself. While tequila also triggers the production of acetaldehyde, it does so at a slower rate compared to other alcoholic beverages, which may result in fewer hangovers for some individuals. Clear tequila made from 100 percent blue agave has fewer congeners, which are fermentation products linked to hangovers, making it a potentially better option for those looking to avoid unpleasant aftereffects.
Certified dietitian Tanya Zuckerbrot of F-Factor Nutrition recommends tequila to her clients who enjoy drinking, citing its lower calorie content compared to other liquors. A shot of tequila contains 64 calories compared to 96 in a shot of vodka, and its naturally sweet flavor means that there is no need for sugary mixers that can add extra calories and carbs. However, it is important to note that these benefits only apply to 100 percent agave tequila, as mixing it with sugary drinks can negate potential advantages.
Despite the potential benefits of tequila, Dr. Sethi emphasizes that the healthiest option is to avoid alcohol as much as possible. He acknowledges that while tequila may have some advantages over other alcohol choices, it is ultimately not a health-promoting beverage. It is important for individuals to consume alcohol in moderation, regardless of the type, and to prioritize overall health by focusing on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and other healthy lifestyle choices. While tequila may have some unique characteristics that set it apart from other alcoholic beverages, it is not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle.